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The Truth about Sin

What is sin?

Does God hate sin? Why?

Harmartiology - What is it?

The sin nature - What is it?

What is inherited sin?

Does everyone inherit sin from Adam and Eve?

Are we all born sinners?

All have sinned—What does that mean?

Original sin - What is it?

Was Adam and Eve's sin really about eating forbidden fruit?

I did not eat the fruit in the garden of Eden so why do I suffer the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin?

The consequences of sin - What are they?

Why are there still consequences for sin if Jesus already paid the price?

Is there danger in unconfessed sin?

Spiritual death - what is it?

What does the Bible mean when it talks about being a slave to sin?

What is meant by being free from sin?

Does my private, personal sin affect others?

Why are all sins ultimately against God?

Do children get punished for the sins of their parents?

Are all sins equal?

Is there a sin that is worse than all the others? What is the greatest sin?

What does the Bible say about sins of commission?

What does the Bible say about sins of omission?

What is a trespass in the Bible?

Does the Bible have a list of sins?

Is it a sin to be tempted? Is temptation sinful?

What are the seven deadly sins?

Are the concepts of mortal sin and venial sin biblical?

Is there a difference between willful sin and ignorant sin when it comes to forgiveness?

What is the sin that leads to death, or the sin unto death, that John talks about?

What is a seared conscience?

How can I know what is a sin and what isn't?

The conviction of sin – What is it?

How much can a Christian sin?

Is there an unpardonable sin? What is it?

What does it mean that a person will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)?

How can I have victory in overcoming sin?

Habitual sin – How can I overcome it?

What is a Christian view of addiction? Does the Bible say anything about addiction?

Caffeine addiction – Is it a sin?

What is the definition of idolatry?

The Ten Commandments mention a 'graven image.' What is a graven image?

Why is idol worship so tempting?

What are some forms of modern idolatry?

What is taking the Lord's name in vain?

What does the Bible say about working on Sunday? Is it a sin?

Lasciviousness – What is it?

What does the Bible say about lust? What is lust?

Is sex a sin?

Is there a difference between fornication and adultery?

In the Bible, what is the punishment for adultery?

Is pornography a sin?

Is it a sin to look at hentai / cartoon porn? What does the Bible say about hentai?

What practical steps can I take to overcome an addiction to internet porn?

Is sexting a sin?

Is homosexuality a sin?

Are homosexual feelings sinful? Is homosexual / same-sex attraction a sin?

Is same-sex attraction sinful?

Does the Bible talk about lesbianism? What does the Bible say about being a lesbian?

Does the Bible say anything about bisexuality? Is being bisexual a sin?

Does the Bible say anything about transsexualism / transgenderism? Is gender dysphoria / gender identity disorder the result of sin?

Can someone be gay and Christian? Is it possible to be a gay Christian?

What was the sin for which God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?

Does the Bible say anything about cross-dressing / transvestism? Is it sinful to cross-dress? Is it wrong to be a transvestite?

Bestiality – What does the Bible say? Is bestiality sinful?

Does the Bible say anything about BDSM?

Is it sinful to have a sexual fetish?

Does the Bible say anything about sex addiction?

What does 'whoremonger' mean in the Bible?

Does the Bible say anything about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?

Does the Bible talk about rape?

Onanism – What is it? Is it a sin?

Is masturbation a sin according to the Bible?

Can a person ever masturbate without it being a sin?

Are wet dreams / nocturnal emissions sinful?

Is it a sin to engage in cyber sex / phone sex?

Does the Bible say anything about voyeurism?

Is it a sin for Christians to watch strippers or go to a strip club?

Is it a sin to have intrusive thoughts?

Is lying a sin? What does the Bible say about lying?

Is telling a lie ever the right thing to do?

Is drinking alcohol a sin?

Underage drinking – Does the Bible say anything about it?

Is getting drunk a sin?

What are revellings in the Bible?

Is doing drugs a sin?

Is smoking a sin?

Is getting a tattoo a sin?

Are tattoos okay if they are Christian in nature?

Gambling - Is it a sin?

Is playing poker a sin?

What is the sin of gluttony?

Is it considered taking the Lord's name in vain to say OMG or words like 'geez'?

Is swearing / cussing / cursing a sin?

Does the Bible say anything about cheating in school?

Joking - Is it a sin? What does the Bible say about jokes?

Is it a sin to watch movies? Should Christians go to movies?

Is sharing copyrighted material (music, movies, software) on the internet a sin?

Speeding – Is it a sin?

What is the meaning of a scarlet letter?

Is it a sin to be rich?

Does God view unintentional sin differently?

Why should we confess our sins to one another (James 5:16)?

What does it mean that sin is lawlessness?

Why do Christians still sin after salvation?

If we are born in sin, how is it fair for God to judge us for our sin?

What does the Bible say about temptation?

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