The more modern word for whoremonger is a "John"—someone who uses a prostitute. However, in the original language of the Bible, whoremonger (a word found in the King James Version of the Bible) is anyone who has sex outside of marriage.
In a culture saturated with sexual imagery and messages, living by God's standards of sexual purity can indeed be challenging yet profoundly rewarding. As believers, we are called to honor God's design for sex—a sacred gift intended for the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. Engaging in sexual immorality, or whoremongering, not only defies God's commandments but also inflicts deep harm on individuals and relationships. By upholding purity in thought and action, we not only honor God but also protect ourselves and others from the damaging consequences of sexual sin. Embracing God's standards amidst societal pressures requires steadfastness and reliance on His grace, knowing that His ways lead to true fulfillment and lasting joy. When we fall into sexual sin, God calls us to repent—to recognize our sin, ask God for forgiveness, and return to the good plans He has for us and our sexuality. We can find forgiveness, restoration, healing, and strength to live for Him as we return to Him.