what does the bible say?
Bestiality is the grotesque practice of a person having sexual relations with an animal. The Bible mentions bestiality in four specific places, condemning it each time. Under the law of Moses, bestiality was described as a capital offense, with the guilty party and the animal both being put to death (Exodus 22:19; Leviticus 18:23; Leviticus 20:15–16; Deuteronomy 27:21). Bestiality is described as a form of sexual immorality that defiles both the person and God’s created order. While the New Testament does not specifically mention bestiality, it emphasizes avoiding all forms of sexual immorality and honoring God’s design for human relationships (Matthew 19:3–12). Overall, the Bible views bestiality as a perversion and a violation of purity and the sanctity of life.