What practical steps can I take to overcome an addiction to internet porn?

Internet pornography is prevalent and damaging to the lives of many online users. For many, viewing pornographic images and videos have reached addictive levels. What can be done to overcome an addiction to internet porn?

Two important areas to address are the physical and spiritual aspects of internet porn addictions. The physical aspect can be addressed through changed habits regarding internet accountability and usage.

First, several forms of accountability technology exist. Some examples include x3pure.com, pornaddiction.com, and x3watch.com. Find one that works for you and install it.

Second, make your online viewing accountable to another person. A trusted friend, spouse, or counselor who has access to the viewing history of all your computers and electronic devices will greatly deter accessing inappropriate sites.

Third, monitor your viewing habits. If your greatest times of temptation are at certain times of night or at certain locations, stay off of your computer and devices during these times and at these places.

The spiritual side of addiction is also important to address. Ephesians 6:12 notes that our battle is not against flesh and blood (physical), but is a spiritual battle. What can help?

First, prayer for purity is important. In part, Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6:13).

Second, replace bad habits with good habits. Colossians 3:9-10 shares, "you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator." When you are tempted to view inappropriate content, replace it with a godly practice such as listening to an audio Bible, working on a Bible memory verse, or calling a friend to pray together.

Third, know God is with you at all times. This can be both encouraging and frightening. Yet Job wrote, "Does he not see my ways and number all my steps?" (Job 31:4). God is with you before, during, and after temptation. He will forgive, yet will also help you overcome times of temptation when you trust in His power and seek new ways.

Finally, don't face the battle of internet pornography alone. Find a trusted friend, minister, or counselor who can help you through the struggle. The struggle may never entirely go away, but can be overcome through God's power, godly counsel, and new habits that honor the Lord.

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