The Truth about Life



What does the Bible say about Christian behavior?

Christian character — What does the Bible say?

Christian communication — What are the keys?

What is the Christian life?


What is longsuffering? What does the Bible teach about longsuffering?

What does the Bible teach about patience?

What does the Bible teach about perseverance?


What does the Bible teach about contentment?

What does the Bible say about being submissive? To whom are we to submit and why?

What is a biblical view of thankfulness / gratitude?

Does the Bible teach about how to humble yourself?

Servanthood — What does the Bible say? What does the Bible say about being a servant?


What does the Bible say about integrity?

What does the Bible say about honesty?

What does the Bible teach about a Christian's responsibility?

What does the Bible teach about self-discipline?

What does the Bible teach about trust in God?

What does the Bible say about loyalty?

Fake Christians — Why are there so many?

Why do so many Christians fail the "practice what you preach" standard?

What does the Bible teach about honor?

Must we always keep our vows / oaths to God? Is it better to break an oath or fulfill an unwise or sinful vow?

Are all Christians hypocrites? Why is the claim that Christians are hypocrites so popular? Is it true?


What does the Bible teach about courage?

What does the Bible teach about discernment?

Is it okay for a Christian to be an introvert?

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