The Holy Spirit

Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit


What is the fruit of the Spirit?

In what way is love a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is joy a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is peace a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is patience a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is kindness a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is goodness a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is faithfulness a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is gentleness a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

In what way is self-control a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Spiritual Gifts

What spiritual gifts does the Bible mention? Can you give me a survey of the spiritual gifts?

Does the Bible have a spiritual gifts list?

How does God give spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gifts I ask for?

Is there a difference between a talent and a spiritual gift?

What is my spiritual gift?

Should I take a spiritual gifts test / inventory / assessment? Do spiritual gifts tests have any value?


The spiritual gift of encouragment — What is it?

The spiritual gift of faith — What is it?

The spiritual gift of helps — What is it?

The spiritual gift of mercy — What is it?

The spiritual gift of leadership — What is it?

The spiritual gift of teaching — What is it?

The spiritual gift of discerning spirits — What is it?

The spiritual gifts "word of wisdom" and "word of knowledge" — What are they?

Sign Gifts

What are biblical sign gifts? What was their purpose?

Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit still active?

What is cessationism? What do cessationists believe? Is cessationism biblical?

Continuationism — What is it? What do continuationists believe?

The spiritual gift of miracles — What is it?

The spiritual gift of prophecy — What is it?

The spiritual gift of healing — What is it?

What is the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues?

The spiritual gift of interpreting tongues — What is it?

What does it mean that tongues will cease (1 Corinthians 13:8)?

Does speaking in tongues show a person has the Holy Spirit?

Glossolalia — What is it?

Praying in tongues — What is it? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?

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