There are two destinations when we die—heaven or hell. The Bible teaches that our eternal destination depends on our response to Jesus Christ. Because we are all sinners by nature and by choice, we are all destined to go to hell when we die. However, God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place so that all who believe in His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins will be saved. Faith in Jesus Christ changes our eternal destiny from hell to heaven. Our choice today determines where we will go after death for eternity.
When we die, we continue to exist—either with God or without Him. Our destination parallels our choice on earth—with Him or without Him. If you still wonder how to live with Him today and forevermore, here's what to do: simply tell Him in prayer that you agree about the separation from Him your sin has caused ("I have sinned and made choices that separate me from You, God"). Tell Him that you believe and accept the sacrifice Jesus made in your place ("Jesus took my place, and His death should have been my own"). Accept this as your salvation ("I trust in Jesus for my salvation and believe in His resurrection in faith"). Ask Him for help in living a life of thanksgiving to Him for all of this and to live a life pleasing to Him ("God, thank you for making the way for me to spend eternity with You. I want to live in a way that pleases You. Help me to do that").
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