There are two locations for where we go when we die—heaven or hell. The Bible teaches that our eternal destination depends on our response to Jesus Christ. Because we are all sinners by nature and by choice, we are all destined to go to hell when we die. However, God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place, so all who believe in His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins will be saved. Faith in Jesus Christ changes our eternal destiny from hell to heaven. Our choice today determines where we will go after death for eternity.
After death, a person resides in a "temporary" heaven or hell. After this temporary realm, at the final resurrection, the location of that eternal destiny and the body in which they exist change. Believers will ultimately be granted entrance into the new heavens and new earth (Revelation 21:1), while the ultimate fate of unbelievers is the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11–15). Man's final destination is based entirely on whether he belongs by faith to Jesus Christ in this lifetime. Those who trust in Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins will spend eternity with Him (Matthew 25:46; John 3:36). If you have not put your faith in Jesus Christ, don't delay. "Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).