what does the bible say?
Day six, the final day of God's creation, is the culmination of God’s work: the creation of mankind in His image, for His glory. By day six, God has already created the heavens and the earth; light; the atmosphere; plants; the sun, moon, and stars; water creatures; and sky creatures. On the sixth day of creation, God made land animals, including livestock, creeping things, and beasts of the earth, each according to their kinds, and declared them good. He then created humanity in His own image, giving them a unique role and dominion over all creation, signifying their special status among all creatures. Unlike the rest of creation, humanity was formed by God’s own hands, with man made from dust and woman from man’s side, reflecting God’s intimate involvement in their creation. God commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, and rule over the earth, marking them as the pinnacle of His creation, which He called "very good." Despite the initial perfection, humanity’s fall introduced sin and brokenness, but God’s plan for redemption through Jesus Christ offers salvation and the promise of a restored creation for all who believe.