On the first day of creation, God created the heavens and the earth, which refers to the entire universe, including our planet. The earth was formless and empty, covered in darkness, with God's Spirit hovering over the waters. God spoke light into existence, distinguishing it from darkness and establishing day and night. This act not only brought light but also introduced time as part of creation, marking the first day. These foundational truths reveal God's power and authority; they also reveal Him as the One who brings order and purpose. This truth allows us to trust in Him as Creator and Sustainer of everything and to trust in His sovereign plan even in uncertain times.
The first day of creation introduces us to far more than we may realize at first glance. We are introduced to God, who speaks things into existence that don't exist (Romans 4:17). We are introduced to the eternal nature of God (Genesis 1:1; 1 Peter 1:20). We are introduced to the world in a state of readiness; it was "void," lacking in form and substance. We are introduced to light and dark, and we are introduced to day and night. These first words of the Bible introduce us to the power, dominion, glory, and perfection of God (Romans 1:20), and they introduce us to aspects of the creation that are beyond dispute.
God is the creator of the universe and the One who continues to sustain everything including our lives. These foundational truths assure us that God brings order out of chaos, light into darkness, and purpose into what seems void. Understanding this shapes our perspective on the world and our place in it, reminding us to trust in God's sovereign plan even when we can't see the full picture.