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The Truth about Christmas

Should Christians celebrate holidays? Is it okay for a Christian to celebrate holidays?

What is Advent?

The true meaning of Christmas – What is it?

Are Christians supposed to celebrate Christmas? Is it okay for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

What is the meaning and purpose of a Christmas nativity?

What is the significance of Jesus being born in a manger?

Was Jesus actually born on December 25?

The star of Bethlehem – What was it?

What is the story of the three wise men (magi)?

Why did the magi give Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Are the origins of some Christmas traditions pagan?

Is it okay to have a Christmas tree? Are Christmas trees pagan?

Does giving gifts take away from the true meaning of Christmas?

How should parents handle the issue of Santa Claus with their children?

Who or what is Krampus and what does it have to do with Christmas?

Is 'Xmas' an acceptable abbreviation for 'Christmas'?

What is the 'War on Christmas' and how should Christians respond?

Is Hanukkah (Christmaskah) something Christians should celebrate?

Is Christmas a pagan holiday?

Should Christians celebrate Epiphany/Three Kings' Day? What is it?

Is Luke's claim that Jesus was born in Bethlehem at the time of the census during Quirinius' governorship historically accurate?

What is the Magnificat?

How is Jesus the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)?

How is Jesus Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)?

Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth?

How does Jesus bring joy to the world?

What is the importance of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ?

Do the narratives of Jesus' birth contradict each other?

What year was Jesus Christ born?

Where was Jesus born?

What does Immanuel mean?

What does it mean that Jesus is 'God with us'?

How was Jesus called by the name Immanuel if that wasn't His name?

What does John 1:14 mean when it says the Word became flesh?

What does it mean that Jesus is God incarnate? What does incarnate mean?

What does it mean that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh?

What is the incarnation of Christ and why is the incarnation important?

What is the significance of the humanity of Jesus?

How is Jesus the Son of God?

How is Jesus the son of David?

Is belief in the pre-existence of Jesus biblical?

Who is Jesus Christ?

What are the best arguments for the divinity of Jesus Christ?

What is the theological concept of the hypostatic union?

Jesus' mission—What was it?

What do we know about the real, historical Jesus? Who is Jesus?

What is the difference between knowing about Jesus and actually knowing Him?

What is faith in Jesus? What does it mean to have faith in Jesus?

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