How can heaven be perfect if some of our loved ones are missing?

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In the face of sorrow over loved ones who may not be in heaven, we are called to trust in God’s perfect justice and goodness. In this life, we are called to trust in His plan, share the gospel with others, and pray for those who have not yet accepted salvation, looking forward to heaven where there is no sorrow.

from the old testament

  • The Old Testament does not directly address the question of how heaven can be perfect if some loved ones are missing. However, it does provide insights into God’s character, justice, and ultimate plan. Passages like Deuteronomy 32:4 emphasize that God is just and that all His ways are right. This assures us that God’s decisions are always fair and righteous.
  • Ezekiel 33:11 shows God’s desire for all to turn from sin and live, revealing His heart for salvation and His provision of grace for all who turn to Him.
  • The Old Testament points to a future of peace and restoration for God’s people (Isaiah 25:8; Daniel 12:2–3), suggesting that the joy of God’s presence and His ultimate plan will surpass all earthly sorrow.

from the new testament

  • The Bible explains that, in the end, God will remove all sorrow and pain from heaven's existence. Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." We are not told how this will happen; we are only told it will happen. Not having our loved ones there saddens us as we think about it today, but it will not sadden us in heaven.
  • The second half of Revelation 21:4 says, "the former things have passed away." This could indicate that any thoughts of sadness associated with loved ones not in heaven will be removed or changed. The next verse says, "And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new'" (Revelation 21:5). God could remove the memories of our loved ones altogether, or He could change our thinking to conform it to His perfect perspective. While we are not given the details, we know our existence will not be tainted by sadness.
  • All of the sadness and sorrow we experience on earth will be replaced with the eternal, perfect joy of dwelling in the presence of the Lord for eternity. Revelation 22:5 says, "They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever." The human way of thinking we now experience will be replaced with a new existence that endures without sin and its curse.
  • The apostle Paul reminds us that, for now, we only see part of the picture: "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). When we are with Christ, that which seems impossible now will become perfectly reasonable in light of eternity. We will praise Him who does all things well (Mark 7:37).

implications for today

In the face of sorrow over loved ones who may not be in heaven, we are called to trust in God’s perfect justice and goodness. While it is painful to consider this possibility, the Bible assures us that heaven will be a place of complete joy and peace, free from mourning or regret. We can find comfort in knowing that God’s plans are perfect and that He has given everyone the opportunity to respond to His salvation. In this life, we are urged to share the hope of salvation with others and pray fervently for those who have not yet turned to Christ, trusting that God’s mercy and grace are at work. As we anticipate the day when all sorrow is wiped away, we can rest in the hope that eternity with Him will bring understanding and everlasting joy.


  • Heaven will be a place of perfect joy and peace, free from sorrow or regret.
  • God’s justice and goodness ensure His plans are fair and right, including His offer of salvation, which He recognizes that not all will accept.
  • We are called to share the gospel with those who do not yet know Him or live for Him.


  • How can trusting in God’s justice and goodness bring you peace when considering the eternal destiny of loved ones?
  • What steps can you take to share the gospel with those in your life who may not yet know Christ?
  • How does the promise of eternal joy in heaven influence your perspective on current sorrows?


  • What comfort can we find in the removal of sorrow in heaven despite the absence of some loved ones?
  • How can we feel the urgency of sharing the gospel while also trusting that God’s justice and goodness is perfect?
  • What does the Bible’s assurance of heaven’s joy and God’s presence teach us about living with hope today?