The ark of the covenant is significant in biblical history and theology. Housed in the tabernacle and later in Solomon's temple, the ark served as a symbol of God's tangible presence and covenant relationship with Israel. The ark of the covenant was made of acacia wood overlaid with gold and it featured a mercy seat with cherubim, where God's presence could be experienced. While its physical whereabouts are unknown today, its legacy endures as a testament to God's desire for intimate relationship with His people. The ark of the covenant symbolized God's presence in ancient times; today, our understanding of the ark challenges us to approach God with reverence and humility, seeking intimacy and communion through faith in Christ. The ark's disappearance marks a shift from physical symbols to a spiritual reality where God's presence dwells within believers, reminding us of our covenant relationship with Him through His indwelling Spirit.
Just as the ark of the covenant symbolized God's presence and covenant in ancient times, it reminds us that God desires a personal relationship with each of us now. In our modern lives, this connection is not bound by physical objects but by our hearts and spirits. Like the ark was revered and approached with reverence, we can approach God with humility, reverence, and a desire for intimacy. When we realize our need for salvation—that we are sinners and that we are saved by God’s grace when we trust in Christ’s death and resurrection—the Holy Spirit dwells within us (Ephesians 1:3–14; 2:1–10; Hebrews 9:1–28).
God desires a relationship with us. He desires for us to know Him intimately, not in a superficial sense, but in a way that transforms our hearts and lives. This relationship is characterized by grace, where God extends His unconditional love and forgiveness, inviting us into His presence to experience His peace, guidance, and purpose. Through this relationship, we find fulfillment, identity, and a sense of belonging as children of God, called to walk in fellowship with Him and reflect His love to the world around us. We no longer need an ark of the covenant to remind us of our relationship with Him. His Spirit living within believers is a reminder of that relationship we have with Him (Ephesians 1:13).