what does the bible say?
Satan is not the master of hell; rather, hell was created by God as a place of eternal torment for Satan and his demons. In the Old Testament, Satan is depicted as a wandering figure without a home, not as a ruler of hell. The New Testament reveals that Satan and his demons are currently roaming the earth and heavens. Hell, more properly known as the lake of fire, is a future place of punishment where Satan and all who follow him will suffer torment for eternity (Revelation 20:7–15). God, who has the power and authority over hell, is its creator and ultimate judge (Revelation 1:17–18; Matthew 25:41). Although God created hell and will punish those who reject Him, His desire is for all to put their trust in Him for salvation and therefore escape the consequences of hell (2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:3–4).