Mordecai was a Jew living in Susa during Israel’s captivity by the Persians when Ahasuerus was king. He raised his cousin Esther, who became queen of Persia. Mordecai's refusal to bow to Haman incited Haman's wrath, leading to a decree for the Jews' destruction. Together, Esther's courage and Mordecai's guidance resulted in the Jews' salvation from destruction. Mordecai was honored and became second in rank to the king. Mordecai was wise and used his wisdom to guide his cousin and to save his people from the evil intended toward them.
Mordecai's life was in such a time and place that he was able to help save a whole generation of Jews from being slaughtered. Mordecai was a man of action; he was not paralyzed by fear, but by faith he recognized that God would preserve the Jews for His larger plan as He had promised. Mordecai could have left his belief in God behind and pursued success or comfort or safety in his pagan surroundings, but instead he kept his eyes open to what God was doing around him. Not everyone is rewarded for their faithfulness with success, but God blessed Mordecai and he became "second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brothers, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people" (Esther 10:3).