Jairus was an official in the synagogue in Galilee who came to Jesus in faith and asked Him to heal his dying daughter. Most synagogue leaders were opposed to Jesus at that time. Jesus disregarded their strict Sabbath practices, cast out demons no one else could, and seemed to attract crowds everywhere He went. A few leaders in the Jewish faith were willing to consider Jesus's teaching and appreciate His miracles, among whom were Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, and Jairus. Jairus recognized Jesus for who He was and came to Him boldly, knowing that He alone could bring healing to his daughter.
On the same day, Jesus served a ceremonially unclean woman with no financial or social standing, announcing to the crowd His miraculous work on her behalf, and He served a "righteous" synagogue ruler, who likely had great financial and social standing, and then instructed them to keep the miracle a secret. Jairus's interaction with Jesus shows that Jesus loves not only the poor and lowly, but that He came to serve the rich and powerful as well. Everyone can come to Jesus. It is a person's recognition of his desperate need and his bold faith in Jesus as the only one who can completely meet that need that unites us in faith. Sometimes the miracles God works in our lives will be public, and other times, those miracles will be private, but we can expect that He desires to work in our lives and tells us all, "Do not fear, only believe" (Mark 5:36).