A miracle is an extraordinary event that surpasses natural laws and involves actions or outcomes that are beyond human explanation or capability. Throughout the history of the earth God has used miracles to capture the attention of humanity. These wondrous events reveal the existence of something greater not governed by the scientific laws of nature. God employs miracles in order to communicate with people and ultimately guide His creation into a relationship with Him. Jesus performed countless miracles and empowered His disciples to perform some as well. Jesus didn't perform miracles for show. The purpose of these miraculous signs was to point people to the truth that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Jesus’ miracles also practically met people's needs, showing God's mercy and love towards His creation. These two purposes intersect in God's greatest miracle, the resurrection of Jesus, redeeming God's relationship with His people.
Just as in ancient times, where many witnessed Jesus' miracles but struggled to recognize their significance, today we also encounter moments of divine intervention that call us to deeper faith and understanding. God continues to work miraculously in our lives and in the world around us, whether through answered prayers, unexpected blessings, or transformative experiences. These miracles are not just displays of power but invitations to recognize God's presence and sovereignty over all aspects of our lives. In a world often distracted by materialism, doubt, and busyness, we are urged not to ignore these signs of God's grace and love. Instead, they should prompt us to seek a deeper relationship with Him, allowing His miracles to strengthen our faith, inspire hope, and guide us through life's challenges. Just as Jesus' miracles affirmed His identity and mission, today's miracles affirm God's ongoing engagement with humanity and His desire for us to trust in His truth and walk in His light.
Jesus' greatest miracle, His resurrection, ultimately reveals God's power and love for us, offering forgiveness of sins and eternal life to those who respond by faith in Him. In response to this greatest miracle, we are called to recognize who He is and trust in Him with our whole lives. God desires for “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). This miracle can change your life forever!