Does everyone have a “God-shaped” hole?

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Everyone was created by God for His glory and to have a relationship with Him. While everyone does not have a literal “God-shaped” hole, only faith in Christ can fully satisfy the longing we all have in our hearts and souls.

from the old testament

  • Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "[God] has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart." Every person was created for something more than this temporal earth. Until that purpose is found in God, man will keep searching for things that can only temporarily and partially satisfy.
  • King Solomon describes all pursuits as "vanity," or unsatisfactory. He found only one thing worth pursuing that had lasting, eternal value: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil" (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

from the new testament

  • God created each person for His purposes and desires a relationship with each one (2 Peter 3:9).
  • God has made His existence evident (Romans 1:19–23). The "God-shaped hole" some talk about is an innate desire in humans to connect with God.

implications for today

Though we may try to fill this space with other things, such as philosophy, hobbies, other people, or other beliefs, nothing fits right except for God. The Bible describes our natural hearts as "deceitful" and says we are unable to completely understand it (Jeremiah 17:9). Solomon writes that our hearts are full of evil and contain madness (Ecclesiastes 9:3). Romans 1:18–23 says we humans attempt to worship just about anything other than God, and Romans 8:7 says our natural mind is hostile to God, not wanting to submit to Him and His ways. When we seek to fill our own hearts through human pursuits, we are ultimately left empty and wanting.

It is true that in human pursuits, we may find some contentment and even happiness. After all, God did design us for life on earth. But it is only in Him that our earthly activities and relationships best fulfill their purpose. These things could never give meaning to our lives as God can, but in God, our earthly pursuits are a valid and necessary part of living a meaningful life. When we look to earthly things, or even other humans, to fill our "God shaped hole," we find that they don't fit quite right and are usually quite temporary.


  • Everyone is created by God for His glory and to have a relationship with Him, which leads to a longing that can only be satisfied by Him.
  • Earthly pursuits and relationships may bring temporary satisfaction, but they cannot fully fulfill the spiritual void that only God can fill.
  • The "God-shaped hole" reflects an innate desire in humans to connect with God, a space that only faith in Christ can satisfactorily fill.


  • How have you felt a longing that only God can fill?
  • How does the truth that only God can fill your needs and longings shape your view of your priorities?
  • How do you balance earthly pursuits with the eternal?


  • How can recognizing a "God-shaped hole" help us address others' spiritual needs?
  • How does the concept of a “God-shaped hole” influence our approach to evangelism?
  • How can understanding that temporal pleasures are insufficient to fill the "God-shaped hole" help us guide others toward finding true fulfillment in their relationship with God?