what does the bible say?
Worship is the act of showing reverence, adoration, and devotion to God. True worship goes beyond external rituals and involves a heartfelt, sincere relationship with God, characterized by a commitment to live according to His will, exhibiting love, justice, and righteousness. Worship is a holistic response to who God is and what He has done, and only He is worthy of worship. Exodus 20:3 commands, "You shall have no other gods before me," emphasizing the exclusivity of worship. The Old Testament also outlines specific procedures for offerings, highlighting the importance of the right attitude and obedience of God in worship. These actions are not prescriptive, meaning we can only worship in a specific way, but they are important because they reveal hearts of surrender and submission to God. The New Testament echoes that our hearts toward God are expressed in acts of worship. Worshiping God means dedicating our entire being to Him, aligning our lives with His will, and expressing our faith through love and service to others.