In Revelation, wormwood is depicted as a star that falls from heaven, bringing judgment during the tribulation period. Specifically, Revelation 8:10–11 describes the third trumpet judgment, where a great star named Wormwood falls on a third of the rivers and springs of water, causing the waters to become bitter and resulting in many deaths. This imagery conveys a powerful message about the severe consequences of sin and the widespread destruction associated with God’s judgment. Wormwood, therefore, symbolizes a catastrophic event that brings bitterness and death and highlights the seriousness of God's judgments during the end times. Looking at wormwood calls us to live righteously for the Lord instead of for the temporary pleasures of sin that lead to bitterness and death.
The concept of wormwood in both the Old and New Testaments serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences and bitterness of sin. From the warnings in Proverbs against the deceit of immoral choices to the vivid imagery of judgment in Revelation, wormwood symbolizes the impact of turning away from righteousness. Today, we can take to heart the lesson that allowing sin to take root in our lives leads to spiritual death and separation from God. It might seem pleasurable for a time, but it is bitter and following our sinful desires ultimately leads to death. Instead, we are called to pursue justice, righteousness, and purity, relying on God's grace to cleanse us from sin and to guide us toward a life that reflects His holiness. Jesus brings abundant life (John 10:10), and He leads us into paths of righteousness, which refreshes our soul (Psalm 23:2–3). By consciously choosing to reject sin and embrace God's righteousness, we can avoid the destructive paths illustrated by wormwood and live a life that honors Him.