To worship is to show reverence and adoration for something. People worship all kinds of things: the true God (John 4:24); demons (Revelation 9:20); carvings or statues made to represent beasts (Exodus 32:7–8); the sun, moon, and stars (Deuteronomy 17:3); kings (Daniel 3:5); and themselves, including their own carnal appetites (Philippians 3:19). However, God, the One who created all and is over all is the One who is fully true and good. He is the One who sustains us. He took care of the problem of sin for our good and His glory. He is the only One worthy of worship.
Relationship with God naturally produces worship of Him. We recognize who He is and what He has done, which causes us to worship Him. We realize that the God who created us wants a relationship with us. He tests us, challenges us, saves us, showers us with gifts, provides for us, and protects us. He is intimately involved in our lives, and in return, we praise and adore Him. We worship Him. We see that God is intimately and sovereignly at work in all of humanity for all of time and that He promises to redeem and restore all that sin has destroyed, which causes us to worship Him. True worship is not forced or false; worship flows naturally from us toward the One who is sovereign over our life and destiny. Whatever God wants from us, we will do, because our object of worship is of prime importance. And that is what worship is, at its heart.