what does the bible say?
For those genuinely seeking truth, the paramount question in life is whether God exists. If it is true that God exists, and you do not believe in Him, then you are believing a lie. Either God exists, or He does not. And there are many good ways to know that God does exist. God is the Creator of the universe, including humanity (Genesis 1, 2). The beauty and complexity of all creation testify to a Creator (Psalm 19:1; Romans 1:20). Something cannot come from nothing. God’s existence is also evident in the Christ’s incarnation, His miraculous signs, and His resurrection from the dead (John 10:37-38; John 14:11; Acts 2:32-36). We should believe in God because He exists, has plans for humanity, and makes Himself known primarily through creation, His Word, and Jesus. Through Jesus coming to earth to die for our sins, we discover not only that God is real but that He loves you. Because of Christ we have hope both for today and for life beyond the grave (John 14:1-3).