Unitarian Universalism is the combination of two forms of thought: Unitarianism, which is the belief that there is no Trinity, and that therefore Jesus was not God. And Universalism, which is the belief that all human beings are saved, and there is no eternal punishment. Most Unitarian Universalists also deny that there is an afterlife. The two doctrines were combined in the late eighteenth century in America, and gained traction among intellectuals who were trying to reconcile the idea of hell with the notion of a loving God. Instead of accepting that we may simply not know the answer to that particular puzzle, they chose to deny what the Bible clearly teaches, both about the existence of hell and about the doctrine of salvation.
Those who follow Unitarian Universalism are especially committed to the idea that every person has a right to believe whatever they wish. Many of them believe in several different religions at the same time, picking and choosing from those religions whatever resonates with their personal faith journey. There is no absolute truth, or "right way" to God, or right way to live one's spiritual life. They are oddly dogmatic about this tolerant viewpoint (considering that they are generally against dogma of any kind). They are especially intolerant of biblical Christianity. To the Unitarian Universalist, Jesus was nothing more than a good, moral teacher, and the Bible is a book of myths and parables that has little to no absolute meaning. For the Unitarian Universalist, man is not sinful or fallen, and salvation is about improving one's life on earth.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God, the Creator (John 1:1–2). Jesus Himself claimed to be God Almighty, and the Pharisees listening knew He was making that claim (John 8:56–58). The Bible says that man is a sinner, that in his sin he suppresses truth (Romans 1:19–21). Finding truth is hopeless without God's intervention—because of sin, man is unable to find the secret wisdom of God without God's spirit helping him (1 Corinthians 2:7–16). The Bible says that life on this earth is fleeting and that heaven or hell awaits those who have faith (or don't have faith) in Christ (Hebrews 9:27; John 3:16–18; Revelation 20:11–15). Unitarian Universalism denies all these truths.
Unitarian Universalists call themselves followers of God, but amazingly, their three main beliefs put them in direct agreement with Satanism as it is outlined in the Satanic bible. First, Satanism denies the existence of God and of Jesus Christ as God, and instead upholds man as his own god. Unitarians believe that each person chooses his or her own truth, which is essentially the same as saying that each person is god. Second, Satanism denies that man's sin nature is shameful or immoral, saying instead that sin is a natural part of man's existence. Unitarian Universalism also denies that man is sinful and fallen. Third, both deny the existence of an afterlife and instead promote life on earth as the only existence.
Another fascinating thing to note: both of these belief systems are built not on their own creative beliefs, but on the deconstruction of Christian beliefs. Satanism and Unitarian Universalism often have very different façades but on a fundamental level they have much more in common with Satanists than they do with Christians.
Those who follow Unitarian Universalism are especially committed to the idea that every person has a right to believe whatever they wish. Many of them believe in several different religions at the same time, picking and choosing from those religions whatever resonates with their personal faith journey. There is no absolute truth, or "right way" to God, or right way to live one's spiritual life. They are oddly dogmatic about this tolerant viewpoint (considering that they are generally against dogma of any kind). They are especially intolerant of biblical Christianity. To the Unitarian Universalist, Jesus was nothing more than a good, moral teacher, and the Bible is a book of myths and parables that has little to no absolute meaning. For the Unitarian Universalist, man is not sinful or fallen, and salvation is about improving one's life on earth.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ is God, the Creator (John 1:1–2). Jesus Himself claimed to be God Almighty, and the Pharisees listening knew He was making that claim (John 8:56–58). The Bible says that man is a sinner, that in his sin he suppresses truth (Romans 1:19–21). Finding truth is hopeless without God's intervention—because of sin, man is unable to find the secret wisdom of God without God's spirit helping him (1 Corinthians 2:7–16). The Bible says that life on this earth is fleeting and that heaven or hell awaits those who have faith (or don't have faith) in Christ (Hebrews 9:27; John 3:16–18; Revelation 20:11–15). Unitarian Universalism denies all these truths.
Unitarian Universalists call themselves followers of God, but amazingly, their three main beliefs put them in direct agreement with Satanism as it is outlined in the Satanic bible. First, Satanism denies the existence of God and of Jesus Christ as God, and instead upholds man as his own god. Unitarians believe that each person chooses his or her own truth, which is essentially the same as saying that each person is god. Second, Satanism denies that man's sin nature is shameful or immoral, saying instead that sin is a natural part of man's existence. Unitarian Universalism also denies that man is sinful and fallen. Third, both deny the existence of an afterlife and instead promote life on earth as the only existence.
Another fascinating thing to note: both of these belief systems are built not on their own creative beliefs, but on the deconstruction of Christian beliefs. Satanism and Unitarian Universalism often have very different façades but on a fundamental level they have much more in common with Satanists than they do with Christians.