What are the seraphim in the Bible?

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The seraphim are six-winged angels who worship God. The way the seraphim worship God encourages us to a life of praise, gratitude, and devotion to God.

from the old testament

  • The seraphim are angelic beings mentioned in the book of Isaiah, chapter 6.
  • The seraphim appeared to Isaiah when God called Isaiah to prophetic ministry through a vision (Isaiah 6:1–2).
  • Isaiah sees the Lord God Himself seated upon His throne with all majesty and power. He then sees some strange-looking beings, which he calls seraphim: "Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew" (Isaiah 6:2).
  • The seraphim worship God in His presence. Isaiah 6:3–4 says: "And one called to another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!' And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke.”
  • When Isaiah realizes that he is in the presence of the Almighty, he falls to the ground, proclaiming that his sins have ruined him in the presence of the holy God. One of the seraphim flies to Isaiah with a burning coal, touching his mouth and proclaiming, "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for" (Isaiah 6:7).

from the new testament

  • While the New Testament does mention various types of angelic beings, it does not explicitly refer to seraphim by name.

implications for today

God's angels have many different functions, and from this passage it seems that the seraphim's main job is to worship God continually. The seraphim's proclamation of "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" in Isaiah 6:3 serves as a powerful reminder of our response to God's absolute holiness and majesty. The triple repetition of this attribute of God is significant—He is absolutely holy, set apart, in all of who He is and what He does. Just as the seraphim humbly respond with unwavering devotion and praise, covering their faces with their wings, we, too, are called to recognize and respond to God's holiness. Just as the seraphim worship God, we are invited to cultivate a lifestyle of praise, acknowledging God's perfection, sovereignty, and glory. It’s as simple as recognizing His presence in our lives, expressing gratitude to Him and proclaiming who He is and what He does in our lives to others. This practice of praise not only honors God but also transforms our hearts, aligning us with His holy nature and filling us with awe and reverence. As we grow in recognizing God’s unparalleled greatness and holiness, our lives will shine with praise, reflecting Him and proclaiming who He is and what He has done to those around us.


  • The seraphim are angelic beings mentioned in Isaiah 6 who worship God, proclaiming His holiness.
  • The seraphim appeared to Isaiah during a vision of God's call to prophetic ministry.
  • Each seraph has six wings.


  • How can the seraphim's example of praise inspire you to incorporate more gratitude and worship into your daily life?
  • How can you acknowledge God's holiness and goodness in your daily life?
  • Reflect on Isaiah's experience of feeling unworthy before God. How do you handle feelings of inadequacy?


  • What can we learn from the seraphim's dedication to worship that can be applied to our community or church gatherings?
  • How does understanding the seraphim's role in praising God impact our perception of angelic beings and their purpose?
  • How can we support each other in cultivating a lifestyle of praise and recognizing God's presence in our lives?