what does the bible say?
The account of the rich young ruler is found in Matthew 19:16–22, Mark 10:17–22, and Luke 18:18–23. The rich young ruler asks Jesus how to receive eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commands (Matthew 19:17). We must understand the context of Jesus’ response to understand why He said this. It’s not a claim that the law could save him but a call for him to surrender his whole life to God. Despite the ruler's claiming to have kept the commandments, Jesus reveals the man's lack of true obedience by challenging him to sell his possessions and follow Him, highlighting the importance of putting God above worldly wealth. This encounter serves as a lesson for Jesus' disciples, emphasizing that obeying commandments cannot bring salvation; rather, salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. The passage urges believers to prioritize a relationship with Christ over material possessions and to recognize that eternal life is a gift of grace, not earned through works of the law.