The worship leader (often also called the worship pastor or music minister) is usually the person responsible for the structure of weekly worship services along with the music and other thematic elements of the service. The New Testament does not mention any worship leader by name, nor does it give a description for a worship leader. However, this does not diminish the importance of this role. The worship leader serves as an important part of pointing believers to God, as well as working to reflect the teachings provided in the week's sermon.
Many have looked to the Old Testament musical leaders for insight regarding the role of the worship leader. For example, such leaders were musically gifted, spiritually mature, and invested the bulk of their time in service to God through music. As with other abilities and gifts in the church, a worship leader is to use his or her abilities to build up others as one important part in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12).
Since the role of a worship leader is not specifically stated or developed in the Bible, the role is often indistinct. A worship leader is generally someone gifted with musical abilities as well as the ability to coordinate other people together in music. Larger congregations require more advanced abilities and sometimes multiple staff members to oversee the many functions required.
At a minimum, a worship leader who serves in the local church should possess the following traits. First, he or she must be a believer in Jesus Christ. How can someone lead others in worship effectively if not already a true worshiper of God?
Second, a worship leader should be a growing believer. The spiritually maturing worship leader will be eager to help others grow as well.
Third, a worship leader should have the necessary abilities to lead worship. This will vary depending on the context, but will likely include some level of musical talent and the ability to work with teams of worship musicians.
Fourth, a worship leader must be willing to serve. Pride can be a temptation for worship leaders, since they are often in front of an audience and are viewed with authority or leadership status. For a worship leader to remain effective, he or she must be able to focus on serving others rather than building one's "career" or viewing worship leading as a step to "making it" in the music business.
God clearly seeks people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4). He often works through worship leaders to focus people on Him and His truth. Serving as a worship leader is a tremendous privilege and responsibility that can be a blessing to many.