God created our vast universe, demonstrating unmatched power and glory. Yet He cares for each of us individually. There is no logical reason a Creator can only create things which human beings can see in person.
The Bible says nothing about the existence of life beyond our planet or in other solar systems. And yet, He created a vast universe that has not even been measured. Scripture indicates that God takes delight in His creation. He derives pleasure from the way His good creation declares His glory (Psalm 19:1; Revelation 4:11). Whatever God has created—galaxies, solar systems, or planets with or without life—God has created for His own glory and pleasure. The vastness of the universe is not proof that God does not exist or that He is wasteful of space. It is an indication of His unlimited creativity and power. God counts and names the stars (Psalm 147:4) and yet He cares for each of us individually (Psalm 8:4). Whether the universe is large or small, and whether it is devoid of or teeming with life, God's creation declares His power, glory, and creativity.
Each person has distinctive features such as fingerprints, DNA, facial features and voices. These are based on genetic and environmental factors. Likewise, each of the more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way can be uniquely identified by its brightness, color, size, behavior, and spectral type (chemical composition). Further, each of the more than 200 billion galaxies can be uniquely identified by its size, shape, composition, age, and structure. God likes to create galaxies to show His creative glory and artistry! Many human beings like to create—through art, music, writing, or building—for no greater reason than the pleasure it provides.
Only recently have we discovered the complexity of life on Earth and the vastness of galaxies spread across the universe. We have realized that the laws of physics and Earth's physical environment seem precisely fine-tuned for the existence of complex life. These factors include being in a habitable zone in orbit around a stable star, a suitable planetary atmosphere, and the presence of liquid water. While many other solar systems with planets have been discovered, relatively few of the exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars) feature vaguely life-compatible conditions.
It is an open question if life exists elsewhere. NASA and other organizations have allocated vast resources to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). A side benefit of SETI has been contributions to technological advances to the astronomical community. However, no evidence has been found of life anywhere except on earth; neither has any evidence been found suggesting that life can spontaneously arise from non-living matter. Discovering bacterial life on Jupiter's moon Europa would be just as incredible a display of God's glory as discovering a new species at the bottom of the Marianas Trench on Earth. Finding intelligent life somewhere else wouldn’t change what the Bible says about our relationship with God.
The God who made this vast universe is powerful yet He cares for us individually. The vastness of the universe invites us to marvel at God's infinite creativity and power. It reminds us that while we may feel small in the grand scheme of creation, we are of immense value to God, who knows us by name and cares for our individual lives. Recognizing this intimate connection with our Creator calls us to live with purpose, reflecting His glory in our actions and choices as we engage with the world around us.