Is it true that the universe is expanding?
Quick answer
The Bible agrees with the scientific findings of an expanding universe. The truth that the universe is expanding confirms that it was created and gives us opportunity to share with others how God intentionally created the heavens and the earth.
Scientists agree that the universe is expanding. However, many Christians struggle with how that applies to the beginning of time and belief in creationism.
In the early twentieth century, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the galaxies are moving away from each other, meaning the universe is expanding. This theory is known as Hubble's Law, or the Law of the Expanding Universe. If the universe is currently expanding, that means that at some time in the past, the universe had a beginning.
The Bible confirms that the universe did indeed have a beginning. God created the universe, stretching out the heavens at the beginning of time (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 40:22). God not only brought the universe into existence, but He continues to hold all creation together. The universe's expansion is part of God’s ultimate plan, culminating until a future renewal of the heavens and the earth. Universal expansion provides a connection point between the scientific community and Scripture. Whereas a non-believer can see this truth without a certain explanation regarding the universe’s creation, Christians can see the universe expanding and know that it points to God as the Creator and Sustainer of all of creation.
God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). This declares God as the Creator of everything.
In Job 9:8, Job acknowledges God's power in creation, describing the heavens as being stretched out, highlighting God’s ongoing authority over the cosmos.
God alone knows the stars (Job 22:12).
The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).
God names and counts the stars (Psalm 147:4).
Proverbs 3:19 declares creation is an act of divine wisdom, reflecting the order and purpose God instilled in the universe.
God stretched out the heavens (Isaiah 42:5, 44:24, 45:12; Jeremiah 10:12, 51:15).
Isaiah 40:22 portrays God as sovereign, stretching out the heavens like a vast canopy, symbolizing His control over the expanding universe.
Colossians 1:16-17 affirms Christ as the source and sustainer of all creation, holding everything together and ensuring the universe's continued existence.
In 2 Peter 3:13 believers are promised a future new creation where righteousness will dwell, reflecting God’s ultimate plan to renew the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth as we know them had a beginning and will have an ending.
The expansion of the universe should neither surprise nor discourage us, as it is a testament to God’s perfect purpose for His universe and the ongoing work of the Creator. God originally brought the universe into being, stretching out the heavens with divine wisdom and power, and He remains sovereign over all creation (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 40:22). His purpose for the universe is perfectly aligned with His intentions for our lives here on Earth, reflecting His eternal plan and meticulous care.
As the universe expands, it is a reminder of the vastness of God’s creation and His ability to manage the complexities of existence (Psalm 19:1). This cosmic growth displays God’s majesty and the intricate design He has woven into the fabric of the cosmos. Far from being a challenge to His plans, the expanding universe affirms that God’s designs are both grand and purposeful, reassuring us that His guidance and promises for our lives remain steadfast and unchanging. The unfolding of the cosmos is part of His greater plan, which includes His promises to us and His commitment to bringing about His divine purposes in every aspect of creation.
The Bible begins with the affirmation that God created the heavens and the earth.
The expansion of the universe confirms that the heavens and the earth didn’t exist eternally and were thereby created.
The universe expanding points to Christ, who is both the agent of creation and the one who sustains the universe.
How does the expanding universe enhance your understanding of God’s role as Creator and Sustainer?
How can the concept of an expanding universe reinforce your faith in God’s purpose for your life?
What does the expanding universe reveal about God and how does it connect to the Bible’s description of creation?
Science and the Bible are compatible in this area. For example, those who adhere to the Big Bang theory say that matter did not exist before the Big Bang happened and that after the Big Bang, time began, matter began, and space began. Christians also point to a moment when time, matter, and space began: Genesis 1 recounts the whole thing. If the universe had a beginning, something or someone caused it. This can be a connection points when talking to someone who is interested in science and space.
In the 1930s, Arthur Eddington, a mathematician and the most distinguished British astronomer of his day, called the thought of a beginning "repugnant" and that of an expanding universe "preposterous." He later said he hoped a "loophole" could explain the beginning of the universe without a supernatural Creator. However, Christians know there is no loophole. God created the heavens and the earth, and the heavens truly do declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).
How can the idea of an expanding universe help in discussing God’s creation with others?
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