Is sickness ever part of God's will for believers?

Quick answer

Sickness was not part of God’s original plan for humanity, but through it He reveals Himself and works all things for our good and His glory.


Sickness is not part of God's original design, as He is holy and opposes sin, but it exists as a consequence of humanity's fall into sin. While illness can stem from the natural evils of our world, there are rare instances in the Bible where God directly inflicted sickness to teach lessons or discipline believers. Ultimately, God's sovereignty means He allows illness to fulfill His purposes, which may include demonstrating His power, bringing glory to Himself, growing others, or leading others to faith. In times of suffering, God grieves with us and often expresses His love through the care of others. Though we may not understand His plans in the moment, we can trust in His goodness and that He works all things for our ultimate benefit.




Regardless of whether God actively inflicts an illness or passively allows it, we can see His ultimate purposes: to bring glory to Himself and to reveal His nature to us. God's power and sovereignty allow Him to use even the direst of circumstances to bring about His sovereign will. This may include showing His power through miraculous healing (John 9:1–3), bringing non-believers to salvation, or any number of things—including those known only to Himself.

Make no mistake—God is grieved when those He loves are suffering. He often shows His love and compassion for us through others who minister to us and care for us during times of sickness (2 Corinthians 1:3–5). And no matter what happens, we can trust that God is good, because that is His nature. He will never unnecessarily afflict us, and He can use these times of sorrow to bring about good things in our lives or the lives of others (Romans 8:28–30).

Even though it can be difficult to experience illness or to watch those we love suffer, we can still have faith that God is sovereign and that He cares for each one of us. We may not see His plans and purposes come to fruition during our lifetimes, but we can rest assured that God knows what He is doing.