What are the names of Jesus Christ? What titles are ascribed to Jesus in the Bible?
Quick answer
There are two names and several titles for Jesus that reveal a particular aspect of His role. Knowing Jesus calls for us to respond to who He is and what He has done to save us from our sins.
In the Bible, Jesus Christ is referred to by two specific names and approximately two hundred titles. The two specific names used in reference to Him include Jesus and Emmanuel. The titles of Jesus provide important information to define a particular aspect of His role, specifically His deity and humanity. They reveal His fulfillment of Messianic prophecies and identify Him as the Savior of the world for all who will believe in Him. Recognizing the names and titles of Jesus isn’t just about knowing who He is—it's about responding to who He is personally, specifically as our Lord and Savior. This means surrendering our hearts to Him—recognizing that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and that trusting in His death and resurrection provides that forgiveness and redefines our lives. In knowing Him fully, we discover the fullness of who we are meant to be in Him.
The name Emmanuel (or Immanuel) is first mentioned in Isaiah 7:14: "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
Matthew 1:21 states that an angel told Joseph, "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
In Luke 1:31, an angel speaks to Mary and states the same name, "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus."
Matthew 1:23 uses the name Emmanuel in reference to Jesus as a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. Matthew thereby introduces Jesus as "God with us," acknowledging Christ's deity from the beginning of his writing.
The main titles of Jesus are:
Jesus Christ/Christ Jesus – Acts 2:36, Romans 1:4: Jesus is often called Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, or Jesus the Christ (especially in Paul's writings), which means "anointed one" and clearly noted His role as the Messiah.
The Word – John 1:1: John calls Jesus the Word, the English translation of the Greek word logos. Though not used frequently in the New Testament, John's introduction of Jesus as the logos stated clearly his view of Jesus as divine.
Son of God – Mark 1:1, Matthew 16:15–16, John 3:16: The Gospels often call Jesus the Son of God. Mark's Gospel especially favors this term, noting Jesus as divine via His relationship with God the Father. In Matthew 16:15–16, Peter acknowledged Jesus as the Son of the living God, a view Jesus affirmed as correct. John 3:16 also famously refers to Jesus as God's only begotten Son.
Son of Man – Matthew 9:6, Daniel 7:13–14: The New Testament also often refers to Jesus as the Son of Man. Matthew's Gospel especially favors this phrase, using it about thirty times. This title highlights both His humanity as well as His fulfillment as the Son of Man predicted in the Old Testament, especially Daniel 7:13–14 related to the coming Messiah.
Lord – Romans 10:9, Philippians 2:11: The term "Lord" was often used in relation to Jesus, meaning master or king.
Recognizing Jesus for who He is through His names and titles—Christ, the Word, Son of God, Son of Man, and especially as Lord and Savior—goes beyond knowledge; it calls for a personal response. Acknowledging Jesus as "Christ" means embracing Him as the fulfillment of God’s promises, our Redeemer who brings hope to our lives. As "the Word," He is the living expression of God's truth, inviting us to trust in His wisdom and guidance. Knowing Him as the "Son of God" connects us to His divine power and love, while "Son of Man" reminds us that He understands our struggles intimately. But ultimately, to recognize Jesus as "Lord and Savior" is to respond to who He is and what He has done in His death and resurrection to save us from our sins. It is to surrender our lives to His authority, allowing Him to lead and transform us. It’s an invitation to step out of self-reliance and into a relationship where His grace covers our failures, His truth directs our steps, and His love defines our worth. Recognizing Jesus as Lord and Savior means letting Him be the center of our lives, trusting Him fully, and following Him wholeheartedly.
Jesus is named "Jesus" (Savior) and "Emmanuel" (God with us), revealing His mission and character.
Jesus’ titles often reveal His divinity and humanity.
Recognizing Jesus’ names and titles calls for a personal response to trust, surrender, and follow Jesus as Savior and Lord.
How does recognizing Jesus as both "Emmanuel" and "Savior" impact your understanding of His presence and purpose in your life?
Which title of Jesus resonates most with you, and how does it influence your relationship with Him?
How does knowing Jesus' names and titles challenge you to respond personally to who He is?
How do the names and titles of Jesus in the Old and New Testaments connect to the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies?
What do the titles "Son of God" and "Son of Man" reveal about Jesus' divine and human nature, and how does this shape our view of His role as Savior?
How can understanding Jesus as "the Word" and "Lord" deepen your trust in His authority and guidance in your daily life?
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