The Ten Commandments mention a 'graven image.' What is a graven image?

Quick answer

A graven image is any hand-crafted idol made from wood, stone, metal, silver, or gold. God’s warning against idolatry including making and worshiping graven images communicates the importance of worshiping the one true God alone.


A graven image, as described in the Bible, refers to a handmade idol crafted from materials such as wood, stone, metal, silver, or gold. These images became idols and were prevalent in ancient cultures surrounding Israel, but God consistently condemned their creation and worship, affirming the exclusive worship of the one true God. In the New Testament, idolatry is broadened to encompass anything that is prioritized over God. This biblical teaching communicates to us the importance of maintaining a devoted relationship with God and avoiding anything that detracts from His rightful place in our lives.




Whereas many cultures might not actually bow down to idols (many still do), we must still recognize and address contemporary forms of idolatry that can subtly infiltrate our lives. Idolatry today often manifests not in carved idols but in the undue prioritization of material possessions, career ambitions, social status, and personal desires over our relationship with God. By reflecting on how much time, energy, and devotion we give to these aspects compared to our spiritual practices, we can identify areas where our focus may have shifted away from God. Simplifying our lives, serving others, and engaging in regular spiritual practices can help us realign our priorities, ensuring that God remains at the center of our lives

Abiding in Christ, as described in John 15, helps us maintain a close, intimate relationship with Him, which transforms our perspective on all aspects of life. When we remain in Him, we begin to see God not only as our Creator but also as the ultimate Giver of every good gift (James 1:17). This understanding shifts our focus from worshiping the creation or the gifts themselves to worshiping the One who provides them. By cultivating this abiding relationship through prayer, studying Scripture, and obeying His commands, we develop a deeper appreciation for God's sovereignty and generosity. This connection helps us recognize that our true fulfillment and purpose come from our relationship with Him, not from the temporary and fleeting things of this world that so easily become idols. Consequently, abiding in Christ guards our hearts against idolatry, ensuring that our worship and devotion are rightly directed toward God alone.