While eternal hell might seem like an unfair punishment for a lifetime of sin, sin is rebellion against an infinite and holy God and requires a just, eternal response. Along with His justice, in His mercy, God offers forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
How can an eternity of punishment be just recompense for only one lifetime of human sin? Particularly, if a person was generally decent, how is it fair that living apart from God for only 70 to 100 years results in eternity in hell? Eternal hell being fair can be a difficult concept for our human understanding. Much of the issue comes from our understanding of sin. In our fallen state, we simply do not realize how heinous and offensive sin really is. God is a just and infinite God, and our sin is rebellion against Him. In His justice, He must punish what is destructive and offensive. While it might seem unfair to suffer eternally for a human lifetime of sin, we must remember that sin is committed against an infinitely holy and eternal God. The severity of the punishment corresponds to the magnitude of the One offended. Just as breaking a law against a king carries a greater consequence than breaking a rule against a peer, sin against God—no matter how "small" it may seem to us—requires a just response from His perfect nature. Additionally, our rejection of God continues into eternity in hell; it is not as though the rebellion ceases after death. God, being just, must hold us accountable for the full extent of our sin. Yet, in His mercy and love, He provided a way of escape through Jesus Christ. His sacrifice fully satisfied God's justice, offering us forgiveness and eternal life if we choose to accept it (Romans 6:23; John 3:16).
God, in His great mercy, permits us life on this earth. He gives us an opportunity to recognize our sin and receive salvation in Jesus. Second Peter 3:9 tells us, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." By His own provision, God offers us eternity with Him if we will only set aside our own will for His will. We need not spend eternity in hell apart from Him if we choose to follow Him today. This is truly unfair. God did nothing wrong, yet He suffered in our place, so we could be made right with Him. We can receive full forgiveness of our sins and avoid the consequence of eternal separation from Him. This is the good news of the gospel! Eternity can be spent in communion with God when we repent from our sin, accept Jesus as Savior, and begin living with a desire to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:21; John 3:16, 18, 36). Ultimately, it is the choice of each person to spend eternity in hell away from God, or in heaven with Him. Which will you choose?