Why are so many repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation?
Quick answer
Many are repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation because they do not understand the severity of sin. Through faith in Jesus Christ, everyone can escape eternal damnation and spend eternity in the presence of God and all that is good.
Modern society has often sought ways to minimize punishment or offer the ability for a person to rehabilitate and become better. These ideas have also been puzzling for those who try to reconcile such human reasoning with Scripture. If a person can be punished and offered an opportunity to improve, why can't God offer a similar process in the afterlife? Two flaws are inherent in such an understanding. First, humans view sin from their own perspective, rather than from God's perspective. In other words, we do not think our sins are that bad, yet God has a perfect perspective regarding how sin separates us from a holy God. People thinking like this also fail to realize God has already provided a very generous way to know Him based on grace through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. When we see how wicked and sinful our human hearts can be and often are, we realize we deserve eternal punishment. We also then greatly appreciate a way of salvation, the way offered through Jesus Christ.
People are often repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation because they think they are good people, but the Bible says that we have all gone astray (Isaiah 53:6).
People are repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation because it contradicts with their view of God. They think that if He is good, how can He also send people to eternal damnation? Psalm 5:4–5 reveals that God is indeed good, and because of this, evil necessitates judgment.
Jeremiah 7:24 tells us, "But they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward." This verse illustrates how people stubbornly reject God’s commandments and choose their own ways instead, leading them away from Him.
The New Testament confirms that despite people thinking they are good, the Bible says that there is none who is righteous (Romans 3:10).
People are repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation because they want to live according to their desires, passions, and vices. Galatians 5:17 tells us, "For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do." There is a conflict between living according to one’s desires and living according to God’s commandments. Living by one’s own desires, passions, and vices leads to death (Romans 6:23; 7:25).
God's Word teaches that all people either spend eternity with Him or in torment apart from Him (Luke 16:19-31), indicating the clear need for salvation and to share this salvation with others.
While people are repulsed by the idea of eternal damnation, God made one specific way to escape the punishment of eternal damnation for anyone who will choose to believe in Christ (John 3:16; 14:16; Acts 4:12). Rather than requiring a list of works or multiple ways to reach Him, He has revealed one clear path based on Him, rather than on our own inadequate efforts.
Modern society often seeks ways to minimize punishment or offer the ability for individuals to rehabilitate, which can be confusing when trying to reconcile such human reasoning with Scripture. The idea of eternal damnation becomes repulsive because people often see themselves as inherently good and doubt the necessity of such severe judgment. They may wonder why a loving God would allow people to suffer eternally, not realizing that sin is a deep and severe separation from God, and His judgment is a natural and just consequence of sin. People might reject the concept of eternal damnation because it challenges their view of freedom and the desire to live according to their own passions and vices. Yet, living this way leads to death and detriment to us. We do not need to face eternal damnation, as God offers salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; Romans 10:9–10). Those who trust in Him escape this punishment. This reveals God’s grace and desire to make the way to Him and to abundant and eternal life. Rejecting eternal damnation does not change the reality of its existence, but God’s Word provides the way to be saved (Acts 4:12), inviting all to come to Him through faith.
Many people reject the idea of eternal damnation because they view sin lightly.
The concept of eternal punishment challenges people’s view of a loving God.
Some are repulsed by eternal damnation because they desire to live according to their own desires and vices, not realizing this leads to spiritual death.
How does viewing sin lightly affect your understanding of eternal damnation and the need for salvation?
How have you seen people today challenge the concept of a loving God who would allow eternal punishment?
How does the idea of eternal damnation confront your own desires and temptations?
Other religious perspectives, such as Wicca and eastern traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism, often promote the idea that people are not inherently sinful and do not need salvation. Some religious movements offer a false sense of approval before God through works, like volunteer service, baptism, or observance of holy days, while others, such as atheism or universalism, deny the existence of hell, leading people to view eternal damnation as inaccurate or harsh. However, God's Word teaches that all people will face eternity with Him or apart from Him (Luke 16:19–31). Just because someone does not like or want to understand the eternal consequences of sin does not make them less true.
How can we communicate the reality of eternal damnation in a way that seeks to understand people's views while also pointing them to the hope of Jesus Christ?
What are some practical ways we can help others see the necessity of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ in a world that often downplays sin and its consequences?
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