What are cherubim in the Bible? Are cherubs angels?
Quick answer
Cherubs are angels who serve directly in God’s presence and are greatly involved in the worship of God.
A cherub is an angelic being, frequently mentioned in Scripture, especially in connection with the worship of God and in His presence. A cherub's physical description includes hands like a human and wings, with a body somewhat similar to humans yet distinct in many ways. At least some cherubs are armed with flaming swords. Ezekiel describes living creatures with four faces, four wings, and many eyes that he identifies as cherubim (Ezekiel 10). But it is uncertain whether this is true of all cherubim or was limited to those in his vision. Overall, cherubs are clearly important angelic beings given the task of serving directly in God's presence, highly involved in the worship of the Lord.
The Bible mentions the angelic beings known as cherubs more than sixty times.
The first mention of cherubim is found in Genesis 3:24: "He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life." These angels guarded the garden and held a flaming sword.
Golden images of cherubim are mentioned in the design of the lid of the ark of the covenant (Exodus 25:18–19), revealing the importance of cherubim in the presence of God.
Cherubim were also included in other aspects of the tabernacle's design (Exodus 26:31) and later in the Jewish temple, as noted in 2 Chronicles 3. They are also mentioned in Ezekiel’s vision of the temple in Ezekiel 41.
Second Samuel 22:11 notes a cherub as God's attendant when He comes to the aid of people (also Psalm 18:10). Hezekiah prayed, stating, "O LORD, the God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth" (2 Kings 19:15).
Ezekiel 10 includes a vision that shows the work of cherubim in God's presence. Their description includes wings (Ezekiel 10:5, 19) and hands (Ezekiel 10:7–9). Ezekiel 28:16 also mentions cherubim as guardians.
Ezekiel 10 also describes whirling wheels and living creatures, which Ezekiel identifies as cherubim (Ezekiel 10:20). These living creatures are also described in Ezekiel 1. They have four faces (that of a cherub, a human, a lion, and an eagle in Ezekiel 10:14; and that of a human, a lion, an ox, and an eage in Ezekiel 1:5). They have four wings, and something like human hands under their wings (Ezekiel 10:21). It is unclear if this appearance is true of all cherubim or if these are a special group of four (Ezekiel 1:5).
In the New Testament, the only reference to cherubim is in Hebrews 9:5: "Above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat." This is noting the cherub on either side of the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant.
Reflecting on the cherubim's role in the Bible inspires us to elevate our own worship of God. Just as cherubim are depicted as being deeply engaged in God's presence and worship with their distinctive features and roles, we are called to approach our worship with a similar wholehearted devotion and reverence. The cherubim’s unwavering dedication reminds us to bring our best to God, prioritizing our time with Him and seeking to honor Him fully in every aspect of our lives. By following their example, we can deepen our worship and ensure that it reflects the sincerity and devotion that God deserves.
Cherubim are angelic beings closely associated with God's presence and worship of Him.
Cherubim serve as guardians and attendants in significant biblical locations, such as the garden of Eden and the ark of the covenant.
Cherubim are described with unique features like wings and hands. As does all of creation, cherubim reflect God's glory.
How does the detailed description of cherubim in the Bible influence your understanding of their role in God’s presence and worship?
In what ways can the cherubim's dedication to worship inspire you to deepen your own spiritual practices and devotion?
Reflect on how cherubim are depicted as guardians and attendants. How can this imagery help you better appreciate the protection and guidance God provides in your life?
What can we learn from the cherubim's role and appearance about how we approach and honor God's presence in our worship?
How does the concept of cherubim serving directly in God's presence challenge or enrich your view of worship and reverence as a community both now and for eternity?
Why is it important to let God’s Word shape what we believe about angels?
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