Would proof that aliens exist impact the Christian faith?

Quick answer

Mankind is made in the image of God, but Scripture says nothing about life on other planets; therefore, extraterrestrial life may or may not share in God’s redemptive plan. Proof that aliens exist would not impact the gospel.


In the beginning, God created everything that exists (Genesis 1:1). This includes water (v. 7), land (v. 9), plants (v. 11) and animals (v. 20-25). In addition, He is recorded to have made two sentient classes of beings with a spiritual awareness: angels and humanity. Some of the angels rebelled and followed Lucifer and are now without the hope of reconciliation (Genesis 3:14; Hebrews 6:4-6). Humanity rebelled as well, but they were given the offer of grace and redemption (Genesis 3:15, 21).

Both angels and humanity were created with the freedom of choice. We might assume this freedom would also have been given to extraterrestrials, with the same possibility of disobedience. However, Christ’s shed blood for mankind might be ineffectual for them, as aliens may not have been made in His image. What redemption, if any, God would offer to intelligent life on other planets is not discussed in Scripture. Proof that aliens exist would therefore have little to no bearing on the Christian faith.




If we accept the Bible's account of creation, the discovery of alien life would be an extension of God's creation. There is no mention of extraterrestrial life in the Bible. That silence does not rule out the possibility of life on other planets. What we do know is that God made the way possible for us to be saved. The Bible tells us to call on the name of the Lord and we will be saved (Romans 10:13). While thinking about aliens is interesting, we cannot exchange what we do not know for what we do know. God made His redemptive plan clear to humanity, and He made it clear that not all beings He created—i.e. angels—are part of redemptive plan. Therefore, the Christian faith would not be impacted negatively even if proof of aliens was found. It would not change the relationship between human beings and God. Further, no such proof has yet been discovered.