What is the abundant life Jesus promised?

Quick answer

The abundant life that Jesus promised contrasts with the destruction caused by sin. The abundant life Jesus promised is available now for all who trust in Him, with a future fulfillment in eternity.


The abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10 encompasses fullness of life both in this life and for eternity. It is a life marked by deep, meaningful relationship with God through Jesus Christ, characterized by forgiveness, peace, and eternal salvation. This life overflows with joy, purpose, and spiritual fruitfulness, guided by God's presence and provision. The abundant life Jesus promised begins now for believers who trust in Him as they abide in Him. Ultimately, the abundant life offers a profound sense of fulfillment and completeness found exclusively in knowing and following Jesus Christ.




Jesus alone brings fullness of what life truly is. God is the author and creator of life (Genesis 1). John 1:4 says that "In [Jesus] was life, and the life was the light of men." In Jesus we can know and live the fullness of purpose for which we were created. Sin brought death into the world (Genesis 3; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:1–10), but God restores life (John 14:6). Jesus defeated death on the cross (1 Corinthians 15:56–57). For those who believe in Him, that means physical resurrection to eternity with God (1 Corinthians 15; Revelation 21—22). But it also means experience of real life now.

Clearly we live in a fallen world marred by the effects of the fall and replete with the vestiges of death. Though death is defeated, it will not be finally removed until Jesus returns (Revelation 20). Jesus has come and made the way of salvation, yet we await final restoration. We exist in the in-between. In this life we experience abundant life by being saved from our sin and living in the hope He has promised us. We experience abundant life as we live in accordance with God's will and His ways. Humans were designed in God's image, for relationship with Him and with one another. We were intended to participate in His work in the world (Genesis 1:27–31). It is as we live in His love and His truth that we experience life (John 17:20–26; 1 John 2:15–17; 5:1–5). One day, all who have trusted in Him will experience the fulfillment of abundant life in ways we cannot yet fully fathom (1 John 3:2).