The Bible Project is a nonprofit animation studio that produces videos and other resources to make the story of the Bible accessible online to everyone, everywhere. Two long-time friends, Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins, who had also once been roommates at Multnomah Bible College, started The Bible Project in 2014. It is now a full-time labor of love by multiple artists, illustrators, designers, supporters, and prayer warriors. They believe the Bible is one, unified story from start to finish that leads to Jesus. The Bible Project team works to showcase the literary art of Scripture while tracing its themes from beginning to end through digital story-telling.
The Bible Project does not identify with any specific tradition or denomination, but believes the Bible should be understood in its historical context and that it holds wisdom for the modern world. Their videos, podcasts, study notes, blog, and other resources are one hundred percent free of charge and are available on their website (
), The Bible App, YouTube, Vimeo, and other social media platforms. As of the beginning of 2020, they have over one hundred million views in over two hundred countries with much of their content available in seventeen languages and more languages added every year.
The Bible Project seeks to make the biblical story approachable, engaging, and transformative for the next generation through the mediums in which they have been raised—high quality visual storytelling and technology. The studio has been rewarded for their efforts with over two million subscribers worldwide. The Bible Project's content is well made and helpful for those curious about the Bible, new believers, and seasoned believers alike.
As with any resource, Christians should follow the example of the Bereans who spent time comparing what Paul was preaching and "examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so" (Acts 17:11). The Bible is our only standard of truth and any other resources should be faithful to teaching what is found in the Scriptures. The Bible Project seeks to do just that and has so far produced quality resources to further our understanding of Scripture.