The New Testament records the fulfillment of the initial prophesies and promises of the Old Testament, recording the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; His life, death, and resurrection; and the birth of the Church. The New Testament also describes the
new covenant
, which is the essence of a Christian's relationship with God.
The theology of the New Testament reveals God's planned revelation to people of Himself, His character, His attributes, and what He is doing in the world. This revelation began in Genesis, in the Old Testament, and continues through Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, God reveals Himself as wholly man and wholly God in Jesus and as a dweller in the lives of His people in the Holy Spirit.
Though written over thousands of years by many people, Old Testament books contain an organized presentation of God's creation, human's rebellion against Him, and His actions to repeatedly re-establish relationship with them. The Old Testament describes the fatal results of sin and predicts a Savior and a new covenant.
The New Testament, written over scores of years by those who spent time with Jesus, shows us the birth of the Messiah; His life, death, and resurrection; the birth of the Church; and spells out the doctrinal beliefs for a believer in Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews, especially, explains the new covenant. The epistles give instruction on Christian living and the Church. The book of Revelation prophesies God's plan to finalize redemption and create a new heavens and new earth.