IFCA International – What is it?

IFCA International is an association, not a denomination, of evangelical, conservative churches working together though operating independently. Its website says, "IFCA International is a Fellowship of churches and believers from around the world who are committed to biblical ministry in an effort to enhance the strength of the Church by equipping for, and encouraging toward, ministry partnerships to accomplish Great Commission objectives" (November 2017).

The Independent Fundamentalist Churches of America (IFCA) was founded in 1930 as a successor to the American Conference of Undenominational Churches. The IFCA grew out of a concern with the growing Modernism in America that was affecting mainline denominations. Some mainline denominations were being influenced by leaders who did not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and other core doctrines. Many churches began leaving denominations because they wanted to remain biblically sound. The association was formed to give those congregations a spiritual home. The name was changed to IFCA International in 1996.

The association desires that like-minded churches work together, but don't jeopardize each church's independence. It is not ecumenical and the churches within the association hold to varying degrees of ecclesiastical separation and personal separation. Some have taken this separation to extremes, but the IFCA encourages a biblical balance.

The IFCA is strongly conservative in its doctrine. Its five core values are:

Biblical Doctrine – Contemporary importance of the historic fundamentals
Biblical Leadership – Christ-like integrity, humility, zeal, and sacrifice
Biblical Outreach – Evangelism at home and abroad
Biblical Partnerships – Accomplishing more together than separately
Biblical Excellence – Doing the best we can for His glory

Members of the IFCA International believe God's Word is verbally inspired by God and is the absolute authority in life and faith. Generally speaking IFCA churches are biblically solid. But, as with any church, it is best to compare the doctrines and practices of the specific church to what the Bible says. Before becoming involved in or joining the church, pray for God's wisdom.