Who was Elkanah in the Bible?

Quick answer

There are several men named Elkanah in the Bible, but the most prominent of them is the father of Samuel. Elkanah’s faithful devotion to God encourages us as we wait on the Lord.


There are several individuals named Elkanah in the Bible, with three being descendants of Korah and Levi, and others serving roles such as joining David in Ziklag and being a doorkeeper for the ark of the covenant. One Elkanah is noted as an ancestor of Levites taken into Babylonian captivity and another as second to King Ahaz. The most well-known Elkanah is the father of Samuel, a Levite from Ramah with two wives, Hannah and Peninnah, who showed great love and kindness to Hannah despite her initial barrenness. Elkanah and Hannah faithfully worshiped at Shiloh, and their prayers were answered with the birth of Samuel, whom they dedicated to the Lord's service. Elkanah supported Hannah's vow to God and trusted her devotion, and their faithfulness resulted in a legacy through Samuel, a significant prophet and judge of Israel.




The life of Elkanah, the father of Samuel, provides a profound example of faithful devotion to God and steadfast love within the family. Despite societal pressures and personal challenges, particularly regarding his wife Hannah's infertility, Elkanah remained a loving and supportive husband. His unwavering faith is demonstrated through his regular worship at Shiloh and his encouragement of Hannah's vows and prayers to the Lord. Elkanah's story reminds us of the importance of patience and trust in God's timing, showing that sincere devotion and prayer can lead to extraordinary blessings.

Elkanah was also willing to give up his son despite the extra honor another son would have earned him in his society because he believed it was the right thing to do. He clearly had decided to live according to God's will instead of his own. He was a man who kept his word, loved his wife beyond her ability to bear him sons, and worshiped God faithfully (1 Samuel 2:19). His legacy through Samuel, a significant prophet and judge, illustrates how faithfulness in the ordinary aspects of life can contribute to God’s larger plan and encourages us to faithfully follow the Lord’s will instead of our own.