What are essential oils, and can Christians use them?

Quick answer

Essential oils can be used to promote well-being if we seek to honor God and use oils in a way that upholds biblical principles. Christians have the freedom to use essential oils, but we should recognize that God is the ultimate healer, not oils.


Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that are often marketed for use for therapeutic benefit. Essential oils are often used with the intent to relieve stress, calm anxiety, ease depression, increase focus, and help with sleep. The Bible does not prohibit the use of essential oils, and since plants are created by God for our benefit (Genesis 1:29), they can be used in ways that honor God. While some people associate essential oils with non-Christian practices, oils themselves are not inherently sinful. What matters is how we use them. We should never use essential oils—or anything—for idolatry, rituals contrary to biblical teachings, or to further some end not in keeping with godliness (Romans 14:5–6; 1 Corinthians 10:31). Essential oils may be beneficial when used appropriately. When the oils—or any therapeutic intervention—seem to lead to a positive outcome, we remember that ultimately God is the healer and give Him thanks (Exodus 15:26; James 5:14). Christians should use essential oils with a clear conscience, avoiding practices that compromise their faith and ensuring they honor God in all things.




While essential oils can help people with different conditions, it is important to remember that "the LORD [is] your healer" (Exodus 15:26). God designed the human body and while a number of different treatments (including essential oils, pharmaceuticals, surgical intervention, and other treatments) may effectively treat an ailment, it is ultimately God who is responsible for that body recovering or not. We see this even in the James 5:14 instruction to those who are sick to call the elders to pray over them and anoint them with oil. Though oil is used, it is evident that the Lord is responsible for the healing, not the oil, which is why the elders are instructed to pray to God for healing. As long as a person acknowledges that God is our healer, depends on Him as the Creator of the human body and all living plants, and recognizes His sovereignty over His creation including medical treatments, then using essential oils can be done in a God-honoring way and should not be feared or forbidden.