Who was Andrew in the Bible?

Quick answer

Andrew was a fisherman who became one of Jesus’ first disciples. He brought his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus and was among the first to recognize Him as the Messiah.


Andrew was first a follower of John the Baptist and was with him when John declared Jesus as "the Lamb of God" (John 1:36). Convinced that he had found the Messiah, Andrew immediately went to tell his brother Simon, who would later be called Peter. This makes Andrew the first disciple to actively bring someone to Jesus. He was also part of Jesus' twelve main disciples, though not in the innermost circle like Peter, James, and John. Andrew is mentioned during significant events, such as the feeding of the five thousand, where he found the boy with five loaves and two fish, showing his initiative and faith (John 6:8–9). He was also present when Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple, showing his close relationship with Jesus (Mark 13:3–4).




Andrew's willingness to immediately follow Jesus upon recognizing Him as the Messiah is a powerful example of faith and obedience. This reminds us that recognizing Jesus' authority and divinity requires a personal response, just as Andrew responded by following Jesus and inviting others to come to Him.

Andrew's role in bringing his brother (Simon Peter) to Jesus shows us the importance of personal evangelism. Our efforts to introduce others to Christ can have far-reaching effects, even if we are not in the most prominent positions. Andrew was not as prominently featured as Peter or John, yet his initial act of bringing Peter to Jesus had a profound impact on the early Christian movement.

Andrew's interaction during the feeding of the five thousand teaches us about recognizing opportunities to serve and having faith in Jesus to do the miraculous with our limited resources. When faced with a great need, Andrew brought what little he had—five loaves and two fish. God can use our small contributions in big ways.

Andrew's story shows us how every follower of Christ has a role in God's kingdom, no matter how big or small it may seem. Each role is critical in the spread of the gospel and the building up of the church. Andrew's life encourages us to find our role in God's plan, to act on it in faith, and to bring others to Christ, knowing that every act of faithfulness contributes to God's greater purposes.