Who was Ahijah in the BIble?

Quick answer

There are two prominent Ahijahs in the Bible. They were faithful to the Lord, seeking Him and speaking for Him.


There are several Ahijahs in the Bible, but two of them are more prominent. In 1 Samuel 14, Ahijah, a priest from the line of Eli, was present with Saul during the battle against the Philistines, and Saul sought his help to inquire of God. However, before Ahijah could give guidance, Saul rushed into battle without waiting for a response. Ahijah the prophet followed and spoke for the Lord. He called Solomon out for his sin and warned him of what would happen as a result of turning his heart from the Lord (1 Kings 11:11). Ahijah the prophet also sought and spoke for the Lord to Jeroboam, who became king after Solomon and took over the northern part after the division of Israel. Jeroboam did evil before the Lord, and Ahijah warned of what would happen as a result. His prophecies came true.

The name Ahijah means "worshiper of Yahweh" or "brethren/companion of God." Both of these Ahijahs lived in Shiloh where God's presence resided inside the tabernacle before Solomon completed the temple. They sought the Lord and followed Him, faithfully proclaiming the truth to wayward kings.




God calls us to seek Him, to call on Him, to forsake our wicked ways and thoughts, and to turn to Him (Isaiah 55:6–7). Believers are also called to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Our faithful obedience to proclaim the truth has the potential to turn people from their wickedness and its negative consequences. Ahijah the priest spared Saul from defeat and impetuousness. At the same time, we are called to proclaim the truth regardless of the outcome. Solomon and Jeroboam chose to ignore the truth that Ahijah proclaimed, and they suffered the consequences. We cannot force people to do what is right, but we have a responsibility to point them to it.

As both Ahijahs sought the Lord, He revealed to them the truth, and they were faithful to believe and proclaim it. The more time a person spends in God's presence knowing and worshiping Him as the one true God, the more likely that person will be able to give wise counsel to others and receive words of truth to be shared with those who need to hear them, just like these two Ahijahs in the Bible.