When were Adam and Eve Created?
Quick answer
Using the genealogies in the Bible, it appears that Adam and Eve were created about six to eight thousand years ago.
Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of creation (Genesis 1:26–31). Both the Old and New Testaments contain various genealogies that trace back to the creation of Adam and Eve. Using these genealogies, we can calculate that Adam was created roughly between six and eight thousand years ago. Tracing backwards from the birth of Christ also gives us the same amount of time.
Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of creation (Genesis 1:26–31).
Genesis 2 gives more detail regarding the creation of Adam and Eve.
One way to determine when Adam and Eve were created is using the genealogy in Genesis 5. The chapter is introduced, "This is the book of the generations of Adam." Just a few verses later we read, "When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth" (Genesis 5:3). So, we know that Seth was born 130 years after Adam was created. Continuing through the genealogy we can see that Enosh was born 235 years after Adam was created, Kenan 325 years, and jumping ahead, Noah was born 1056 years after Adam was created. Similar calculations can be done with the genealogy in Genesis 11, and these time stamps can then be compared with historical records of associated events. Using this method, it appears that Adam was created roughly between six and eight thousand years ago. There is, of course, some debate on these numbers depending on which chronology is used.
The other method is similar, but counts backward from the birth of Christ. Using this method, one chronology puts the creation at approximately 4004 BC and another at approximately 6000 BC. The result is ultimately the same. This article was written in 2024. If you add either 4004 BC or 6000 BC to 2024, you get a date of creation somewhere roughly between six and eight thousand years ago.
The genealogy in Luke 3 confirms that Adam was the first created man (Luke 3:38). This genealogy connects with the one found in Genesis 5.
First Corinthians 11:8–9 confirms the recounting of the creation of Adam and Eve without using their names: “For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. ”
First Corinthians 15:45 confirms that Adam was created: “Thus it is written: ‘The first man Adam became a living being.’”
Second Corinthians 11:3 confirms the creation of Eve in the garden of Eden, before the serpent deceived her.
First Timothy 2:13–14 confirms the creation of Adam first and then Eve: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve.”
The Bible seems to show that Adam and Eve were created about six to eight thousand years ago. What is most important is that they were created, that they were real historical people, and that they were created by God. The Bible gives us answers regarding humanity and God’s plan in and through it; believing in the literal creation of Adam and Eve is a start for taking to heart God’s Word.
Adam and Eve were literal, historical human beings created by God in the garden of Eden (Genesis 1—2).
The Bible gives us genealogies to help us trace the time between the creation of Adam and Eve and today.
Using the genealogies and the birth of Jesus, we can figure out that Adam and Eve were created about six to eight thousand years ago.
Why do people want to know when Adam and Eve were created?
Adam and Eve were the first people created, and their creation reveals the start of God’s plan for humanity.
We all ultimately find our origins and purpose in the creation of Adam and Eve.
What are some common challenges people face when interpreting the literal creation of Adam and Eve, and how can we address those challenges in a faith-based context?
What significance does the understanding of the timeline of Adam and Eve's creation hold for our understanding of humanity's origins and God’s purpose for creation?
For those who struggle with the literal creation and the timing of when Adam and Eve were created, what truths can you connect on?
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