The Abrahamic covenant – What is it?
Quick answer
The Abrahamic covenant promises Israel land, descendants, and blessing and redemption for all people. Believers in Christ are a testament to this covenant and get to reflect to the world the restoration God has for all who will believe in Him.
The Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) is a unilateral covenant that God made with Abraham. A unilateral covenant is an agreement made between two parties, in which only one of the parties has responsibility to act. In the case of the agreement between God and Abraham, God was the only one who was required to act, making it a unilateral (or unconditional) covenant. In the Abrahamic covenant, God promised Abraham land, descendants, and blessings for all nations through his lineage. God alone bore the responsibility of fulfilling this covenant, as shown when He passed between the sacrificial pieces while Abraham slept (Genesis 15). The Abrahamic covenant includes promises of the land of Canaan, numerous descendants, and global blessings, which are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Despite human failings, the covenant remains unconditional and everlasting, reaffirmed throughout Scripture. Its significance extends to all people, offering redemption and access to God’s kingdom through faith in the Messiah (Romans 11:25-27; John 3:16-17).
Abram was a man living in ancient Mesopotamia, a descendent of Noah through Shem (Genesis 11:10-27). One day, God called to Abram and gave him a command that was also a promise: "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:1-3). This promise is what we now call the Abrahamic covenant.
In the ancient world, a covenant would be made official by cutting open a dove or a ram or some other animal or animals and placing them on the ground so that both parties involved in the covenant could walk between the pieces. In the case of the covenant God made with Abraham, God took on the form of a "smoking furnace and a flaming torch" and passed between the pieces alone. God caused Abraham to fall asleep while this took place, further ensuring that the full weight of responsibility in the covenant was to fall on God, rather than Abraham (Genesis 15).
The first part of the Abrahamic covenant was the promise of land (Genesis 12:1). When God called Abram, he was living in Ur of the Chaldeans, and God told him to move to another land that God would show him. That land turned out to be Canaan (Genesis 12:6-7), but it would be several more generations before Israel took full possession of that land (Joshua 22:1-6).
The second part of the covenant was the promise of descendants as numerous as the sand on the seashore, or the stars in the sky, who would bless the whole earth (Genesis 22:17-18). God told Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation, with mighty kings (Genesis 17:6).
The third part of the Abrahamic covenant was the promise that God would bring blessing and redemption to all people through Abraham's people. God made this promise again to Isaac (Genesis 21:12; 26:3-4) and again to Jacob (Genesis 28:14-15). Despite the sins in the lives of all three patriarchs, God's unconditional promise stands. Since he was the only participant in the covenant, there is no way for the actions of any human to make the promise null and void.
The Abrahamic covenant is an everlasting covenant, which extends into the future kingdom of Christ. Ezekiel prophesied a day when Israel would be fully restored to the Promised Land (Ezekiel 20:33-37, 40-42; 36:1—37:28) as a nation.
The promises of the Abrahamic covenant are everlasting. One day God will restore Israel as a nation and be blessed and redeemed, as promised (Romans 11:25-27).
Not only Israel, but all people, have access to God's kingdom through the Messiah, who was a descendant of Abraham (John 3:16-17).
The Abrahamic covenant reminds us of God’s faithfulness and the power of His promises, which remain unbroken despite human failings. Just as God carried the full responsibility of fulfilling His promises to Abraham, we can trust that His plans for redemption and blessing are not dependent on our perfection but on His grace. The Abrahimc covenant encourages us to live with hope, knowing that through Jesus, we are included in the blessings promised to Abraham’s descendants. For those of us who are saved, the Abrahamic covenant challenges us to be a blessing to others, just as the Israelites were called to reflect God and be a blessing to those around them. We can do this by showing kindness and generosity to those in need and sharing the gospel with those who do not yet know God’s saving grace. As we live out our faith, we participate in His plan to bless all nations through Christ.
The Abrahamic covenant promises land, descendants, and blessings for all nations through Abraham's lineage.
The Abrahamic covenant is unconditional, with God alone bearing responsibility for its fulfillment.
The Abrahamic covenant is eternal, fulfilled through Christ who brought redemption to all who will believe in Him.
How does knowing that God’s promises are unconditional and unbreakable encourage you to trust Him more in your daily life?
How can you reflect God’s blessing and grace to others?
How does being included in the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant through Christ shape your understanding of your identity and purpose?
What can we learn about God’s character through His unilateral fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant?
How can we as believers reflect God’s faithfulness and His redemption in practical ways to our community?
How does the Abrahamic covenant deepen our understanding of God’s plan for redemption through Jesus Christ?
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