
Angelology – What is it?

Angelology is the section of systematic theology that focuses on the study of angels. A study of the Bible's teachings regarding angels provides much understanding regarding their existence, purpose, and work in this world and beyond. Angelology also includes the study of fallen angels or demons, called Demonology, and well as the study of Satan, called Satanology.

Other important issues addressed in Angelology include: What does the Bible teach about angels? Angels are created beings that do not die. Humans do not become angels, nor do angels become human. Angels are involved in the worship of God and ministering according to His perfect will.

Do people have guardian angels? The Bible teaches that angels protect people on occasions, but what about each person? The Bible appears to be unclear whether every individual person is continually protected by a specific angel.

Are angels male or female? Each time an angel is mentioned in the Bible, a male pronoun is used. In addition, the only named angels in the Bible are male names, Michael and Gabriel. However, the Bible does not necessarily mention whether angels are male and female or have a gender like humans.

Who/What is the angel of the Lord? Theologians have long debated the identity of the angel of the Lord in the Bible. Some view him as a messenger of God while others view (at least some) appearances of the angel of the Lord as a direct theophany (appearance of God) or a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.

What are cherubim? Cherubim (or cherubs) are a type of angel involved in the worship of God.

What are seraphim? Seraphim are specifically mentioned in Isaiah 6 in Isaiah's vision of God in the temple. The Hebrew term saraph carries the connotation of "burning" of "fiery." Seraphim appear to serve as a type of angel or angelic being, though much of their identity and activity is unmentioned.

Is Satan a fallen angel? The Bible speaks in certain locations regarding Satan's fall from heaven and his prior role as an angelic being (Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:12–18). He and his demons associated with him appear to have at one time served in the heavenly realms.

One clear purpose of angels is given in Hebrews 1:14: "Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?" Angels are created beings, meant to worship and serve God, in part by caring for His children. As we learn more about the role of angels, we learn more about the grandeur of God, His great love, and His worthiness of our worship.

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