What are the principalities and powers the Bible talks about?

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Principalities and powers are spiritual forces, some of which oppose God. Nothing can separate us from God’s love, including principalities and powers.

from the old testament

  • Principalities and powers are mentioned in the New Testament, although the power of evil forces is seen in the Old Testament as well (Daniel 10:13; Isaiah 24:21).
  • God created principalities and powers. He is the King and has a purpose for everything—including evil principalities and powers (see Proverbs 16:4; Daniel 4:35; Isaiah 46:10–11).

from the new testament

  • In Romans 8:37–39, Paul says that there is nothing in heaven or earth that can separate believers from God's love including principalities and powers. In this context, principalities and powers can mean demonic forces themselves, or the false prophets and teachers empowered by demonic forces to come against the truth and deceive us. In either case, the passage is clear that they will not succeed.
  • Colossians 1:16 says that principalities and powers—“thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities”—are among the created beings, made by God for His purposes. The fact that God made and sustains the very enemies that rebel against Him is a mind-boggling reality that may never be fully clear to us, but He has a purpose for everything.
  • Principalities and powers—“rulers and authorities”—have been defeated and shamed by Jesus Christ's work on the cross (Colossians 2:15). They have been "disarmed," and Jesus "made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Colossians 2:15 NIV). Satan's goal has always been to steal the affections of mankind from God and to then destroy His beloved creation, but Jesus made it possible for all who believe to be reconciled to God—apart from the Law, and in spite of any and all sins by which Satan has tempted them (Romans 3:21–28).
  • Ephesians 3:10–11 talks about the heavenly powers and authorities who see the church, Christ's body, advancing through the world and understand something about God's wisdom by what they see.
  • The concept mentioned in Ephesians 3:10–11 is seen again in 1 Peter 1:12, as Peter speaks of the gospel as something "into which angels long to look." These principalities and powers are holy, good, and powerful, and they love to see the display of God's work and wisdom on the earth.
  • Conversely, the unholy principalities and powers are unhappy to see God's work and wisdom through humanity, and they struggle against us to defeat us (Ephesians 6:12). That being so, they will not win. As Martin Luther's famous hymn, A Mighty Fortress, says: “The Prince of Darkness Grim / We tremble not for him / His rage will not endure / For lo, his doom is sure / one little Word shall fell him” (cf. Romans 16:20; Revelation 20:10).
  • Titus 3:1 refers to earthly authorities and governments, who are ultimately placed over us by God's will. We are told to submit to governments out of respect for the God who ordained their rule over us. Rebellion against earthly authority brings judgment (Romans 13:2).

implications for today

As Christians, we are called to respond to powers and principalities by standing firm in the strength of God (Ephesians 6:10–12). This means praying to God and relying on His Word to guard our minds and hearts against spiritual attacks. The evil powers and principalities want our demise. They try to undermine the work that God is doing in our lives and in the world, and they often do it by trying to get us to sin or to keep our focus off of God. When we face anxiety, confusion, or temptation, we can resist by meditating on Scripture, speaking God’s truth, and asking for His protection. We can turn on worship music and remind ourselves of what is true. Staying connected to a community of believers also helps us hold each other accountable and stay alert to spiritual challenges. Most importantly, we trust in Christ’s victory over these forces and walk in faith, knowing that we are empowered by God to overcome.


  • Principalities and powers, both good and evil, were created by God for His purposes.
  • Jesus defeated the evil principalities and powers through His death on the cross.
  • Principalities and powers cannot separate us from God’s love.


  • How have you experienced spiritual struggles that might be influenced by principalities and powers in your own life?
  • What steps can you take to rely more on God's strength when facing spiritual opposition from evil forces?
  • How does knowing that nothing, including principalities and powers, can separate you from God’s love impact your daily walk with Christ?


  • How does Jesus’ victory over principalities and powers on the cross change the way we view spiritual warfare today?
  • What role do prayer, Scripture, and community play in helping believers resist the influence of these spiritual forces?
  • How can understanding God’s ultimate authority over both good and evil principalities shape our perspective on suffering and spiritual challenges in the world today?