what does the bible say?
A priest is someone who serves as a mediator between God and humans. The priest can be seen as God's representative to the people and the people's representative to God. Yes, the Bible teaches the priesthood of all believers. This concept is established in the Old Testament where God calls Israel to be a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:6), signifying that they were to represent Him to the world. In the New Testament, this idea is affirmed through passages like 1 Peter 2:9, which describes believers as a "royal priesthood" and Hebrews 10:12–14, which highlights that Jesus' sacrifice grants all Christians direct access to God, eliminating the need for a human mediator. This priesthood of all believers means that every Christian is entrusted with the responsibility to embody God’s holiness, share His message of repentance and salvation, and represent Him to the world (Matthew 5:14–16; 28:18–20).