Does the Bible teach the priesthood of all believers?

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Yes, the Bible teaches the priesthood of all believers. As a priesthood of believers, we are called to reflect God’s holiness and represent Him to the world.

from the old testament

  • In Exodus 19:6 God told Israel, "you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." The priesthood of believers was always God's plan.
  • The Law of Moses specified that only certain people could serve as priests before God. Priests were men from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 28:1; Numbers 3:10), between certain ages (Numbers 8:24–25), and without blemish (Leviticus 21:16-21). If a man had any disability, he could not serve as a priest (Leviticus 21:16–24). He also had to uphold specific cleanliness standards (Leviticus 21:1–8). These specifications were to demonstrate God's holiness (Leviticus 21:6).
  • The priests served at the Jewish tabernacle and later in the temple in Jerusalem, acting as intermediaries between God and the people, offering prayers and sacrifices to atone for sins (Exodus 28:1; 1 Kings 8:22–23). Their duties included daily offerings for the sins of the people and for their own, ensuring the community’s continued favor with God (Exodus 29:38–42; Leviticus 4:27–31). King David also played a role in organizing the priestly duties, appointing priests for various responsibilities in the temple worship, as described in 1 Chronicles 24:1–19, to ensure the continuation of these sacred practices. The priesthood was thus integral to maintaining the relationship between God and His people, embodying a role of both worship and atonement.

from the new testament

  • First Peter 2:5, 9 are the main verses in the Bible that speak of the priesthood of believers; however, the concept is not unique to Peter’s writing or to the New Testament.
  • When Christ came, He provided a new covenant through the shedding of His own blood. Hebrews 10:12–14 teaches, "But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." Christians now no longer require a priest to intercede on their behalf. Each Christian now has direct access to God through Jesus, our High Priest. We no longer rely on a system of priests to work on our behalf. Instead, we are able to serve the Lord and use our gifts, abilities, time, resources, and energy to make disciples of all nations.
  • Hebrews 10:19–25 encourages believers to approach God confidently through Jesus' sacrifice, with hearts cleansed and committed to good works, while fostering mutual encouragement and fellowship. This passage highlights the priesthood of all believers, affirming that each person has direct access to God and shares in the role of supporting and uplifting one another in faith.
  • We are not reliant on human priests because Jesus has made the way open to us. He is the "one mediator between God and men" (1 Timothy 2:5). In Him we can confidently come before the Lord, faithfully serve Him, and share the message of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:20–21).

implications for today

The reality of the priesthood of believers points to the fact that we are intended to represent God to a world living in rebellion against Him. The global church is intended to serve God and to display His holiness to the world. We are intended to share His message of repentance and salvation, so that others may come to know Him as well (Matthew 5:14–16; 28:18–20).

The global church is a priesthood of all believers and is designed to be a living testament to God's transformative power, displaying His purity and grace in our daily lives. We are entrusted with the task of sharing His offer of repentance and salvation, leading others toward a relationship with Him (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8). Our lives, words, and actions are meant to inspire others to seek and embrace the truth of God's love, ultimately drawing them into the kingdom of God. In fulfilling this role, we honor our calling as priests and advance His redemptive work on earth.


  • The Bible teaches the priesthood of all believers in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • As a priesthood, God calls His people to represent Him and reflect His holiness.
  • Every Christian is called to embody God’s holiness, represent Him to the world, and share His message of repentance and salvation.


  • How does understanding yourself as part of the "priesthood of all believers" impact your personal relationship with God and your daily life?
  • How can you more actively reflect God's holiness and represent Him in your interactions with others?
  • What are some specific actions you can take to reflect the message of repentance and salvation in your own life and in your community?


  • How do the roles and responsibilities of Old Testament priests compare with the New Testament understanding of the priesthood of all believers? What are the practical implications of these differences for our daily lives?
  • How can we practically apply the concept of being a "royal priesthood" in our interactions with others?
  • How does the idea of being a priesthood of believers shape our understanding of our roles and responsibilities as believers?