After Paul challenges the Galatians to walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25), he reminds them of the law of sowing and reaping so that they would not become discouraged. His admonishment: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart" (Galatians 6:9, NKJV).
In the context, Paul teaches that believers ought to bear each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2) and bear their own load or responsibilities (Galatians 6:5). Paul seems to recognize the importance of reminding his readers of future rewards to help them maintain diligence in the present. Doing good will bring good returns someday. It's important that we trust God and not lose heart in the work He has given us to do.
We can count on God to make sure that whatever a person sows he will reap (Galatians 6:7). If a person sows in a way that serves his own flesh, then he will reap corruption because the flesh is corrupted and broken from the fall (Galatians 6:8a). On the other hand, the one who sows in a way that prioritizes the Spirit will reap from the Spirit life eternal (Galatians 6:8b). The Galatians had newness of life from the Spirit, and Paul wants them to sow into or invest in that new life so they can reap the fruit that comes with walking in the Spirit. He had identified that fruit earlier (Galatians 5:22–23) and wanted the Galatians to not grow weary or lose heart in pursuing that.
Because of the certainty of reward, Paul encourages us to not grow weary or lose heart. He exhorts us to continue doing good because at the appropriate time we will reap the fruit of the harvest. God is trustworthy. As the writer of Hebrews also explains, God is faithful to reward those who pursue or seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Because God is faithful, the Galatians could know that, if they would not grow weary or lose heart, they could continue in diligence. Their efforts would be rewarded. Paul encouraged the Corinthians in a similar way. They should always be steadfast and immovable, abounding in God's work because their labor in Christ is never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
It's easy to grow weary and lose heart. Serving the Lord in any capacity often involves long hours, slow progress, little compensation, and no thanks. But God is a righteous judge and will reward those who invest in Him. Because of the law of the harvest, believers can know that their diligence in doing good is never in vain. So, while each of us has opportunity, we ought to be doing good to everyone and especially to those of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).
Paul exhorts believers to persevere in doing good and to not grow weary and lose heart. We ought to be diligent in blessing others. Those efforts should prioritize our brothers and sisters in Christ but are not limited to those of the household of the faith. Believers in Christ should be doing good to everyone.
We can do good even to those who spurn us, refuse our efforts, and never respond with good to us because we know that God will honor our efforts. We will reap accordingly from Him. The writer of Hebrews points us to Christ as our example (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus endured crucifixion at the hands of those to whom He was doing good. Knowing the joy of the benefit He was providing, He endured. By focusing on Christ, we can persevere (Hebrews 12:4). We do not need to grow weary and lose heart.
In the context, Paul teaches that believers ought to bear each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2) and bear their own load or responsibilities (Galatians 6:5). Paul seems to recognize the importance of reminding his readers of future rewards to help them maintain diligence in the present. Doing good will bring good returns someday. It's important that we trust God and not lose heart in the work He has given us to do.
We can count on God to make sure that whatever a person sows he will reap (Galatians 6:7). If a person sows in a way that serves his own flesh, then he will reap corruption because the flesh is corrupted and broken from the fall (Galatians 6:8a). On the other hand, the one who sows in a way that prioritizes the Spirit will reap from the Spirit life eternal (Galatians 6:8b). The Galatians had newness of life from the Spirit, and Paul wants them to sow into or invest in that new life so they can reap the fruit that comes with walking in the Spirit. He had identified that fruit earlier (Galatians 5:22–23) and wanted the Galatians to not grow weary or lose heart in pursuing that.
Because of the certainty of reward, Paul encourages us to not grow weary or lose heart. He exhorts us to continue doing good because at the appropriate time we will reap the fruit of the harvest. God is trustworthy. As the writer of Hebrews also explains, God is faithful to reward those who pursue or seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Because God is faithful, the Galatians could know that, if they would not grow weary or lose heart, they could continue in diligence. Their efforts would be rewarded. Paul encouraged the Corinthians in a similar way. They should always be steadfast and immovable, abounding in God's work because their labor in Christ is never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
It's easy to grow weary and lose heart. Serving the Lord in any capacity often involves long hours, slow progress, little compensation, and no thanks. But God is a righteous judge and will reward those who invest in Him. Because of the law of the harvest, believers can know that their diligence in doing good is never in vain. So, while each of us has opportunity, we ought to be doing good to everyone and especially to those of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).
Paul exhorts believers to persevere in doing good and to not grow weary and lose heart. We ought to be diligent in blessing others. Those efforts should prioritize our brothers and sisters in Christ but are not limited to those of the household of the faith. Believers in Christ should be doing good to everyone.
We can do good even to those who spurn us, refuse our efforts, and never respond with good to us because we know that God will honor our efforts. We will reap accordingly from Him. The writer of Hebrews points us to Christ as our example (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus endured crucifixion at the hands of those to whom He was doing good. Knowing the joy of the benefit He was providing, He endured. By focusing on Christ, we can persevere (Hebrews 12:4). We do not need to grow weary and lose heart.