Before sin, Adam and Eve were naked without shame, but after their sin, God clothed them (Genesis 2:25; 3:7). In heaven, sin will not exist, yet the Bible indicates that people will wear clothing. Angels in the Bible are always depicted as clothed, as was the resurrected Jesus (Matthew 28:3; Acts 1). Believers in heaven are described as wearing white robes (Revelation 3:5; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9). Heaven is a place where believers have a new body and clothing suited for eternity. This anticipation of heaven calls us to live a life that reflects heavenly virtues and prepares us to serve God faithfully.
Every indication of people in heaven is that they will be wearing heavenly clothing appropriate for service to God and in worshiping Him. To suggest otherwise contrasts all of the above passages, which indicate every person will be clothed in eternity with the Lord, or must attempt to allegorize these passages to mean something else. It appears clear that the Bible describes heaven as a place where believers have a new existence, new body, and new clothing perfectly suited for eternity with the Lord. Today, we are called to live in anticipation of that future reality. We must live in light of God’s righteousness, which clothes us, dressing ourselves in spiritual virtues and preparing to serve God in all aspects of our lives. This means we allow God to form a character in us that is godly, humble, and pure. It also means we seek to live in a way that reveals heavenly values, rather than being bogged down by earthly distractions. By doing these things, we demonstrate our true eternal identity and prepare ourselves to serve God faithfully, both now and in the age to come.